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March 7th, 2016

GoToMeeting Details


  • Bi-monthly meeting of the Healthcare Professions Coordination Group designed to provide an opportunity for clinicians engaged in development and implementation of SNOMED CT to share recent activities and inform the ongoing work of the IHTSDO. 

Discussion items

  1. Welcome & Apologies
    1. Conflicts of Interest
    2. Minutes of last meeting
  • No conflicts declared
  • Minutes approved
  •  Monica Harry correct typo in ZWM name on meeting notes Jan. 2016.

Content update

  1. January 2016 SNOMED CT International release content
  2. Content project update
  3. Tooling update


  • Jan. 2016 released successfully
  • Content project deliverables will be impacted by the implementation of new authoring tool.
  • New tool is in use and although editing is taking place, there are still issues with performance and missing functionality.


Zac Whitewood-Moores Andrew Norton Put GMDN on agenda for Anesthesia meeting in April at F2F in London, UK.

Jane Millar Check with PHE on feasibility of setting up Functioning meeting in April during business meeting; ZWM could attend.

  1. Professional SIG communications
  1. Confluence management
  1. Outreach for new members
  1. Encouraging other clinical domains – how?

Group expressed general lack of satisfaction with Confluence. Feel it should be noted that time is always a factor given the volunteer nature of this group and SIG participants generally.

IHTSDO will be employing a Clinical Engagement Lead in the coming months. May even be at the April business meeting.

Pharmacy SIG - Although not active at this time, efforts are underway to reestablish this group.

Jane Millar to draft a note to RDA to present feedback from this group about the effective use of Confluence; Ask RDA about presenting on Confluence at April F2F @Jane Millar 

 Jane Millar to follow up on connections made in Uruguay at Montevideo meeting to keep up momentum and interest among clinicians who were in attendance and expressed interest in participating; contact IHTSDO HO to get information on the attendees and follow up with the Uruguayan team to continue communications and encourage participation in the professional clinical SIGs. 

Jane Millar Draft TOR for Pharmacy SIG and provide guidance with regard to activities and future direction.

  1. Professional SIG Leadership
  1. International Dentistry Vice Chair
  1. IPaLM SIG Vice Chair


  1. Anesthesia Chair will be changing this year and the Vice-Chair will be vacant. Plan is to begin the search for replacement in April. 
  2. The nomination for new Vice-Chair has been approved for the International Dentistry SIG, see Briefing note attached herewith for details. Ergo, Jorn Jorgenson will be in attendance as VC of the SIG at the F2F meeting in London in April.
  3. The Vice-Chair position is still available. Ideas were discussed with a view to encouraging participation in the SIG with a view to future leadership candidates.
  4. Chair and Vice-Chairs are required to be SIG members and ideally active participants. 

View file
nameBriefing re vice chair Dentistry SIG 20160307 v0.01.docx

Monica Harry Add agenda item for April F2F: Anesthesia SIG VC.

  1. SNOMED in Action
  1. Educational slides for clinical practitioners.
  1. JMI reminded the group about this resource and put out call for instances of SNOMED CT implementations which could be added, see more details here SNOMED CT in Action
  2. Deferred.

Report from the Professional SIGs

  1. Nursing
  1. International Dentistry
  1. Anesthesia
  1. IPaLM
  1. GP/FP

See attached links to PP slides for the SIGs.


    1. ZWM reported that the ICNP and IHTSDO have worked together to produce an Equivalency Table for Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions. Diagnosis was published in Sept. 2015 and an update of these plus the Interventions Table will be published in the next month. 
    2. ZWM requested follow up from CRI and IIMS on the care plan topic; now require further input from audience with wider clinical and international lens.
    3. Work has been carried out on the concepts depicting healthcare locations already in SNOMED CT focussing on the distinction between Inpatient vs. Outpatient environment; now require further input from audience with wider clinical and international lens. SEE attached PP slides.

International Dentistry:

    1. MJU reported that this group have almost completed a subset of SNOMED CT for general dentistry which has wide international acceptance and endorsement. SEE attached PP slides.


    1. Have been working on terms for Endotracheal intubation for use by emergency care providers which will assist with implementation of Anesthesia systems. See attached PP slides.


    1. Regular attendance is increasing; synoptic reporting a universal need; focussing on histopathology content, SEE attached PP slides.


    1. This group has a new chair Ray Simkus replacing Nick Booth who stepped down after several years as Chair. This group is refocussing after working on the mapping of WONCA terms to populate the refset for General and Family Practise terms.

Monica Harry Follow-up with CRI about Care plans

Zac Whitewood-Moores Roberta Severin Circulate the locations xls to this group for review and discussion at future date.


IPaLM SIG Update_20160307.pptx

Anesthesia SIG 07032016

HPCG.pptxpower point for 3.7.16.pptx

Nursing Special Interest Group - March 2016.pptx

  1. IHTSDO meetings update

9.1.            April 17-20th 2016, London, UK


9.1.1.              Monday April 18th 17:15 – 19:15, Location TBC

9.1.2.              Confirm attendance

9.1.3.              Call for agenda items

9.2.            SNOMED CT Expo 2016


Confirmed meeting will be Monday evening: Monday April 18th 17:15 – 19:15.

Call for agenda items - Request that agenda items be sent to



Jane Millar arrange phone in number for RSE who will not be in attendance. 

Monica Harry Agenda items so far: Anesthesia V.C; Expo 2016 Oct., NZ; ISO13940:2015Section 9.2 Care Plans; Pharmacy SIG

  1. IHTSDO updates
  2. Any other business
  3. Date of next meetings:

KFA pointed out that next meeting will be F2F in London, April 18th 2016.

 May 2nd 2016

July 4th, 2016

Sept. 5th, 2016

Nov. 7th, 2016


Meeting Files

View file
nameHPCG agenda 20160307.docx


Previous Meetings

Content Report Table