Term | description type | Language/acceptability | LangaugeLanguage/acceptability | Case significance |
[Disease] due to [diabetes mellitus] (disorder) | FSN | us:P | gb:P | ci |
[Disease] due to [diabetes mellitus] (disorder) | SYN | us:P | gb:P | ci |
<< 74627003 | Diabetic complication (disorder) |
Template language:
Scg expression |
116223007 | Complication (disorder)| : [[~0..1]] 263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)| = [[ +id (< 288524001 |Courses (qualifier value)|) @course]], [[~1..1]] 42752001 |Due to (attribute)| = << 73211009 | Diabetes mellitus (disorder)|, [[~1..1 @rolegroup]]{ [[~0..1]] 116676008|Associated morphology (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)| ) @morphology ]], [[~0..1]] 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = [[+id(< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]]} |
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