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Scg expression
900000000000073002|Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

<< (< 77465005 |Transplantation to recipient (procedure)|
MINUS (<< 371548008 |Procedure on eye region (procedure)| OR << 1269349006 |Transplantation of stem cell (procedure)| OR << 81733005 |Dental surgical procedure (procedure)| OR (< 77465005 ))
MINUS (<<  77465005 |Transplantation to recipient (procedure)| : 260686004 |Method (attribute)| != << 129406001 410820007 |Transplantation Surgical transplantation - action (qualifier value)| ) )

Scg expression
71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| : [[~0..1]] {[[~0..1]] 260870009 |Priority (attribute)| = [[+id (< 272125009 |Priorities (qualifier value)| ) ]]}, 
{ [[~1..1]] 260686004 |Method (attribute)| = 410820007 |Surgical transplantation - action (qualifier value)|, 
[[~0..1]] 405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 24486003 |Structure of transplant (body structure)| ) ]], 
[[~0..1]] 405814001 |Procedure site - Indirect (attribute)| = [[ +id ( < 442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure (body structure)| )]] , 
[[~0..1]] 363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 261571005 |Tissue graft - material (substance)| )]]}
