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Working in a Managed Service or Training authoring extension has some significant differences from International authoring:

  • Extension mainline branch
    The promoted project content "mainline" is an extension base branch instead of MAIN (International mainline). This doesn't directly affect authoring interactions, but project leads and release quality assurance testers need to know what this means when releases are prepared.
  • Extension module
    Content changes are saved in the extension module rather than the SNOMED CT core module or model module.
  • Language and/or dialect variations
    Each extension may have language reference sets and dialect variations which modify the task presentation and interactions (see Working in an extension task below). Since AP 7.1.0 the Authoring Platform also supports searching using the Chinese Zhōngwén (ISO 639-1 code zh) character set when the relevant language reference set is configured.
  • Template-based authoring constraints
    Templates are not yet available for extension-based authoring due to current constraints on language and dialect variations support for templates, so any features dependent on the use of templates are not available. When suitable templates become available which can support the variations needed for extension-based authoring, these features can be enabled, but until then they are switched off by project configuration settings.
  • International SNOMED CT International dependency version
    Member countries can extend SNOMED CT International Edition concepts by adding content within their own extension. Extensions are usually upgraded when an International SNOMED CT Member release becomes available which is typically one month before the public release date (on the current bi-annual release cycle).

    titleWorking in an extension task

    Key differences compared to working in an International authoring task are:

      • There is no Create New Concept from Template option via the left-hand action menu button bar.
      • Taxonomy
        • Language options: As well as the FSN in en-US, there are additional options for Preferred Term (PT) in en-US (default) and PT in extension dialects. When PT dialect options are selected, any translated PTs available in that dialect will be shown in the taxonomy listing (if no translated PTs are available, it will show the en-US PT).
      • Search
        • Filter by language/dialect options: Search results can be filtered by FSN in en-US, or PT in the available extension languages / dialects.
        • There is no Switch to Template search option (Text Search and ECL Search only), and by implication no Transform using template feature (this is only available for template search matches).
      • There is no template-based authoring Batch mode tab in the Task View context panel options, however as noted below batch translation description imports are supported for extension authoring since AP 6.8.0.
      • Upload a Batch
        • Available from the left-hand menu button bar, this feature supports uploading of formatted text files which can contain multiple description additions, description changes, and description inactivations, for batch processing and review of translation terms via authoring tasks within a Managed Service extension project. This is not to be confused with the template-based batch authoring features, which support logical as well as lexical modelling for International authoring.
      • Editor
        • Concept descriptions presentation: Extensions may show additional descriptions for Preferred Terms in their dialect variations.
        • Concept dialect PT automation: When creating a new concept, the en-US PT will be automatically populated from the FSN term (as for International), but the additional dialect variations will not be populated since their terms need manual translation verification.
        • More details popups - Module Id: New concepts created in an extension are saved in the extension module - this can be seen in the More details pop-up dialogue via the ellipsis icon button to the left of the concept header and each description row. If translated terms are added to a published International concept, each dialect PT will also show as being saved in the extension module, rather than the SNOMED CT core module or model module (which the concept header will show).

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titleExtension language and dialect variations








Chinese Traditional Medicineen-USen-USzh

Common German Community Projecten-USen-USde

titleUpgrading to a new International SNOMED CT dependency release

A new release of the International Edition is currently published every 6 months but the release rate is set to increase significantly over the next few years. 

In SNOMED CT directional relationships can be made between concepts with a source concept and a destination concept.
This is done by authoring axioms which are turned into relationships during the classification process.

On upgrading, an extension may contain one or more axioms which refer to a concept in the International Edition where the concept has become inactive in the new release. Axioms are not allowed to refer to a concept which is inactive, so such issues must be identified via an Integrity Report (and content updated to resolve them), as part of the extension upgrade process. The Integrity Report also automatically resolves issues due to an inactive concept having an active description which is missing an "inactive concept" indicator, and also when an inactive description is referenced in a language reference set.