
Welcome to the IHTSDO SNOMED CT Editorial Advisory Group Space in Confluence. 

This page is where the SNOMED CT Editorial Advisory Group (EAG) members and observers may share information and collaborate. Current members of the Advisory Group can be seen in the Team Members page

If you have any questions, please visit the User Guide or send an email to confluence-support@ihtsdo.org.

Space Content

This project contains the following pages:

  • Meeting Information - containing login/call-in information, agendas, briefing papers, minutes of meeting, etc.
  • Documents - containing documents that the group is working on
  • Discussions - A "space" where members and observers can start or participate in discussions on editorial policy
  • Subprojects - The "space" where subprojects or specific pieces of work for collaboration are located
  • Space Actions - The "space" containing a list of all actions of the EAG
  • Team Members - The list of the members of the group



Blog Posts