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A topic page set up to support the development of confluence pages capturing high level information on content already developed by Member Countries. (2017 work plan)

This item will support the Working Group being set up to look at the sharing of national extension content by Member countries. Lesley MacNeil is the SNOMED International contact on the Working Group. 



DateRequested actionRequester(s)Response required by:Comments
 18 October 2017

 Development of a page capturing high level information on SNOMED CT content already developed by Member countries.

Cathy Richardson 
  •  Matt Cordell As agreed please set up a page (accessible by MF and CMAG members at a minimum) that supports the capture of high level information on SNOMED CT content already developed by Member countries with presentation of this at the CMAG November meeting.  

Relevant documents

No files shared here yet.

Country response 

Member countries without a CMAG rep  


CMAG response

DateCMAG ResponseNext steps


Final outcome: 



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  1. I had just started drafting up this page, but I think it's going to duplicate the content already described in the Member Extension Survey .
    The second and third columns (mostly second - Content) is what I had in mind. I can create a new page, but unless members are prepared to describe the extension content in much more detail - probably not worth creating a new page.

    The other option I'm wondering about now, is a spreadsheet of sorts. But I'm skeptical of the value proposition now.
    The updated multibrowser is probably adequate for the moment? (We'll probably start checking it, as part of our content submission process)

  2. hi Matt,

    I think the table could be leveraged but also improve. Can we discuss this at the next call?

  3. Linda Parisien -we have it on the agenda. Cheers, Cathy