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Following feedback from previous draft(s) and July CMAG. I've updated the paper concerning the license and types of edits Members (and affiliates) creating extensions can do. Specifically, the types of edits covered include:

  1. Create new concepts.

  2. Fully define concepts they create.

  3. Classify terminology extensions.

  4. State additional IS A relationships against core (international) concepts.

  5. Retire (redundant) IS A relationships (not necessarily stated).

  6. Add additional defining (non-IS A) relationships to primitive core concepts.

  7. Retire content considered "inappropriate" - concepts, descriptions or relationships

The document has been uploaded to the August Agenda here - I meant to get it up there yesterday but wanted to tidy the formatting a little more first.

The live document is also available on Google Docs. Feel free to comment directly on it if you wish, but discussion here might be more productive for the group.

It's a little longer, as I've included numerous examples. I've also tried to clarify some of the jargon language I've used.

This discussion continues from the previous on here.

Contributors (1)

1 Comment

  1. This action discussion seems to be resolved now, following response from SNOMED International

    SNOMED International response to "Discussion paper - Allowance of Extensions to Modify Core Content" ver. 2.0