The development of international definitions for SNOMED CT concepts that represent context value for action meanings. Concepts in scope are the subtypes of 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)| that are internationally applicable
Work overview
- Completion of the attached spreadsheet by each participating member. This spreadsheet should be returned to Cathy Richardson by email no later than 2nd April. Please insert your country name in the title.
- Cathy Richardson to pull responses together into a google document in prep for the April meeting
- April meeting:
- Group to review results with the goal of
- Identifying which concepts are internationally applicable.
- Development of definitions for these values
- Group to review results with the goal of
- Work not completed at the April meeting will be continued in subsequent meetings.
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Date | Requested action | Requester(s) | Response required by: | Comments |
12 March 2019 | As noted above and discussed on the CMAG call 12 March 2019 |
Jostein Ven likes this
Jostein Ven
What does "Meaning in your country" mean? What goes in that column? I guess we cannot, in any case, choose to use the concept in a different meaning?
Paul Amos
Dear Jostein,
Thank you for your comment.
To use Olivier's example of 'what does blue mean', as there are many different shades of 'blue'. We can state that any shade of blue can be specified by measuring its specific wavelength. Therefore, if 'Blue' was one of the values in our list, we want you to specify its definition in your country as a wavelength. We recognise that different countries may use different shades of blue and therefore there may be a range of wavelengths recorded.
In an ideal situation the majority of countries would have recorded the same wavelength for 'blue' and so we will have reached consensus. If that is not the case it will be up to the group to either come to a consensus, in which case we will have adopted a wavelength definition which will become an 'international standard' or there will be an agreement that consensus cannot be reached and 'Blue' will be deemed to be inappropriate to use within SNOMED CT core as it does not have an internationally agreed definition.
The spreadsheet is acting as a placeholder for everyone to provide a definition of what it would mean within their own country for each of the listed qualifier values for "Context for actions" and then we can see what level of consensus there may be between countries and use this as a base from which to debate whether consensus can be reached or not.
Hope that helps.
Jostein Ven
Thanks! One more question: When it says Allowed in column C, that means that the value is allowed in the core module?
Paul Amos
That is correct, 'Allowed' refers to which values will be acceptable for modelling within the international core.
Jostein Ven
Is there a SNOMED CT "state machine" description for the various states that an action/procedure may have? It would help in determining the needed concepts?
Daniel Karlsson
Ed Cheetham did work on this and the document is posted in a comment on this page: Feedback - Proposed allowed qualifier values within the International release
Direct link:
Jostein Ven
Thanks, Daniel. This was very helpful. I am wondering, though, how to align SNOMED CT context values with states/statuses for for example HL7 FHIR Procedure or Task Resources. In the likely event that FHIR and SNOMED CT are to be used together, which state model is to be used? For now, however, we should focus on SNOMED CT context values, of course.
Daniel Karlsson
This is part of what SNOMED on FHIR is trying to address. Not always easy though. See e.g. the Free set for FHIR page: Free SNOMED CT set for FHIR
Olivier Bodenreider
I could not find evidence of use in the Value Set Authority Center (NLM) for any of the values proposed for inactivation in Context values for actions, Post starting action status, or Pre-starting action status. No objection to inactivation.