1 | Welcome | Cathy Richardson | | |
2 | Apologies/conflicts of interest | | - Apologies as noted
- Conflicts
- Review and update required
| |
3 | Administrative | | - Last meeting recording and action items
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4 | Action List | Cathy Richardson | | |
5 | Member Forum update | | - Update provided.
- Combined workshop CMAG/MF
- 2 working groups
- Technical aspects (Rory - leading) for collaboration
- Content aspect (Lesley leading)
- Sharing of nationally developed content between countries
- How we can more easily identify a type of content exists in an extension
- National to International promotion
- Reporting back April 2018
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6 | Content topics |
| - As per discussion on CMAG 2018 work plan: suggested items
- Update on nutrition work provided and plan for a meeting advised.
- Body structure - links already provided and YGO introduction can be provided.
- Functioning: status of work provided. Not on the work plan at present.
7 | QA: Improving pattern analysis |
| - GRE and ALO provided a demo of pattern analysis tool
- Plan for focus on QA work agreed by CMAG.
- Addition of a standing item on CMAG agenda on this work.
7 | Content Tracker update | | - Item not covered given plan for focus on pattern analysis work.
8 | Primary Procedures | | |
9 | Complaining of and on examination concepts: next steps | | - On examination and Complaining of Content Information
- Plan discussed:
- Identification of base concept
- Inactivation of concepts
- Timing of work will take member requirements into consideration.
- UK wanted changes delayed till after April 2018
- NZ also uses content
- Action: Group member feedback
- Early visibility page could be used to note change coming.
10 | Multi-edition browser | | |
11 | Extension updates | | | |
12 | 2017 review/self evaluation | | - Discussed:
- Our achievements (2017 work plan), what has worked well, what hasn't
- Self evaluation document
- LMA advised very pleased with group. Great value. Good contributions- provide a different perspective.
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13 | 2018 work plan | All group members | - Discussed:
- CMAG 2018 work plan: suggested items
- CMAG 2018 Work Plan
- JCA comments:
- Provision of a reality check- insight of impact on users.
- CMAG standing agenda item to review EAG recommendations (impact on users)
- QA work item- provision on national input on impact of changes.
- Ed Guide revamp- volunteers to provide feedback on Ed Guide restructure
- Sharing of member edition pre-release processes/learnings via a subgroup with EWO to chair it.
- TOR- changes- question raised- need for members in addition to member countries?
| - Lesley MacNeil Set up of confluence page for the documentation of Member's future content development plans
14 | Key activities to report for plenary | All group members |
15 | Any other business | ALL | - Next meeting November 14th 2000UTC
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