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Date & Time

11:00 UTC on Thursday 29th October 2020


Please join via this Zoom meeting link.


Agenda and Meeting Notes

  • Objectives of group
  • What does implementation look like?
  • Goals
  • Membership and Meetings
  • SNOMED international drug model
  • SNOMED national drug extension model
  • Rules of the meeting
IntroductionsAll participants

Please introduce yourself...

  • Name, organization and role
  • What relevant project(s) you are involved in?
  • Reason for participating?
PresentationJerry O'Sullivan 

The "this is what we're doing and these are the challenges and questions we have" presentation.

  • Jerry O'Sullivan, Irish Pharmacy Union
DiscussionAll participants
Next steps

Next meeting - Thursday 12th November 2020 at 11:00 UTC

  • Common Drug Codes for India (CDCI) - Achyut Patil, NRCeS India

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation DEUSG meeting (29 Oct 2020).pptx 2020-Oct-29 by Linda Bird

  • No labels


  1. Are the slides that Jerry O'Sullivan shared from this meeting last week available?

    Thanks Theresa

    1. Hi Theresa,

      Jerry O'Sullivan's slides have been added into the slide deck attached above.

      Kind regards,