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Date & Time

9:00 UK on Wednesday 17th April 2024


Please join via this Zoom meeting link 

In person in Business Meeting, Room: Minories

Agenda and Meeting Notes


DEUSG chairs

Update on EDQM Map

Changes in dose form conventions ("OR" to "AND")

Dose form intended site vs Route of administration, a review of the differences

Demo of the Bahmni project: a functional clinical decision support system based on the International Drug Model

Demo video

IDMP and SNOMED Brief review

Update from National Extensions: Ireland

Other updates from assistants


Next steps

DEUSG chairs

Next meeting

  • TBA

  File Modified
PDF File IDMP - SNOMED Implementation Use cases.pdf 2024-Apr-17 by Alejandro Lopez Osornio
PDF File Bahmni Drug Model CDS Demo.pdf 2024-Apr-17 by Alejandro Lopez Osornio
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation April 2024 London DEUSG dose form conventions.pptx 2024-Apr-17 by Nicola Ingram
PDF File 240416 NMPC DEUSG Presentation v1.pdf 2024-Apr-17 by Nicola Ingram
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation April 2024 London DEUSG Intended Site .pptx 2024-Apr-17 by Julie M. James

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