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This section contains information on travel authorization for:

  • Employees
  • Non-employees
  • Groups

Employee Travel Authorization

Employees should use a Google Form to submit travel requests for official international travel only (official travel within your home country does not require official approval unless it relates to Group travel (see below), where a purchase order number is necessary). Your line manager will receive an email notifying him or her about the request. Once he or she approves or denies it, you and invoices@ will receive an automated message about the decision. 

Exceptions to the travel authorization policy: SMT travel - the SMT do not need to obtain travel approval if the travel is within budget.

Non-Employee Travel Authorization

Non-employees include Management Board Directors, the GA Executive, award recipients, and AG members.

For non-employees traveling on SNOMED International business, the submission of a completed Travel Authorization Form as per the SNOMED International Travel Policy may be necessary. Please submit the form to the budget holder, copying the  

If the travel is part of a Group travel event (see below), then the Management Team member in charge of the group travel must get the group travel event authorized first so that the Purchase Order number can be listed on the non-employee travel claim form. Where a group travel PO has been obtained, non employees do not need to complete a travel authorization form (effective 1st September 2017).

Group Travel Authorization

Authorization is required from the budget holder, whether budgeted or unbudgeted, when the collective costs of the meeting total USD 5000 or above. Examples of these types of meetings include:

  1. Any team meetings where travel or hotel costs are involved;
  2. Any conference attendance and travel;
  3. Any meetings with Member countries.

For these approvals, please fill out the Group Travel Approval Form by going here:, and selecting the Group Travel Approval Form template and submitting it when complete (instructions are on the form itself).

If approval for travel has been obtained via the Group Travel Approval, the relevant travellers do not need to complete an individual travel approval (effective from 1st September 2017).

Approval must be given before any contracts or travel is booked, so please request approval well in advance of the intended conference or meeting.

A Process Diagram on how the group travel/individual travel process works is below.


Process Diagram

Group travel authorization diagram


Executive Lead - Finance & Corporate Services