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Date & Time

10:00 to 11:00 UTC, Thursday 24th August 2023


Zoom meeting link


  • Expand the use of the ECL language - discuss
  • On Hold - ECL 2.2 enhancements - on hold until the first software implementation is complete. This is standard practice.
    • Alternate Identifiers (LOINC) and top/bottom operators (GPS)
  • Any other topics

Agenda and Meeting Notes




Welcome and agenda


LOINC semantics update


With the introduction of using alternate identifiers directly in ECL there is concern that the user may not be clear about what substrate is being used and what semantics that substrate has.

  • Semantics of LOINC and its use in ECL:
    • DK- The LOINC domain is fairly flat.
      • Subtypes may come in when one concept may have a method specified and another code is very similar but does not have method specified.
      • Loinc parts may also have subsumption

We added the following warning in the ECL guide in the alternate identifiers section:

  • ECL is always evaluated against SNOMED CT concepts. When you run a query using alternate identifiers from another code system only concepts that are in the SNOMED CT representation of that other code system will be returned. For example the descendants of a concept in the SNOMED CT version of a code system is likely to be different from the code system of the alternate identifier.
  • Kai Kewley Send SLPG proposition to LOINC extension group. We suggest that a Map should be included in the LOINC extension, in addition to alt identifiers. This will enable terminology servers to translate back and forth between LOINC and SNOMED CT codes in the existing standard way. We are updating ECL to allow SNOMED CT concepts to be referenced using alternate identifiers. However if there is a requirement to translate ECL results back to LOINC codes then a map refset is the obvious way.
Expanding the use of the ECL standard



How to make it easier to add an ECL capability to more tooling?

  • SI already has open source implementations
  • The specification is now very large. An ECL Lite profile would reduce the months of effort required to implement the whole specification when starting fresh.

ECL Lite - MVP Scope:

  • *, <, <<, >, >>, <!, !>, ^, AND, OR, MINUS, (), {{ +HISTORY-(MIN,MOD,MAX) }}
  • Maybe? {{ C active }}

Topics for Oct Conference

  • DK: Discussion of postcoordination transformations for Level 1+ or Level 2
    • use of template language?
    • Transformation choice interactive?
  • KK: PCE expression maintenance
  • JR: History supplements - Deprecate the WAS-A historic association? Causes implementation issues.
    • Bring in other groups? Editorial EAG
The items below are currently on hold

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SNOMED Languages Project Group (September 2022 business meetings).pptx 2023-Aug-24 by Kai Kewley

Agenda and Meeting Notes
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