Welcome and apologies | |
Actions from last week | | - Actions from last week:
- Language features required in ECL?
Introducing term searching to ECL | Linda Bird | Syntax {{ term = [ termSearchType : ] "String" }} Term Search Type - Wild Card Match (collation) - e.g.
- {{ term = wild:"*heart*“ }}
- {{ term = wild (sv):"*hjärta*“ }}
- Perl Regex - e.g.
- {{ term = regex:".*heart.*” }}
- Word Prefix Any Order - e.g.
- {{ term = match:“hear att” }}
- Default (word prefix any order) - e.g.
- {{ term = "hear att" }}
- {{ term = "*heart*“ }}
Potential Examples - << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “heart”}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en"}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en"}} AND << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “hjärta”, languageCode = "sv"}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en"}} {{ term = “hjärta”, languageCode = "sv"}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en"}} OR << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “hjärta", languageCode = "sv"}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ (term = “heart”, languageCode = "en") OR (term = “hjärta", languageCode = "sv")}}
- (<< 64572001 |Disease|: |Associated morphology| = *) {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en", }} {{ term = “hjärta", languageCode = "sv"}}
- (<< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*cardio*” }}) MINUS (<< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term != “*heart*” }})
- Recommendation to be made on (based on investigation of grammar):
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en"}} AND {{ term = “hjärta”, languageCode = "sv"}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| ( {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en"}} OR {{ term = “hjärta”, languageCode = "sv"}} )
- << 64572001 |Disease| ( {{ term = “heart”, languageCode = "en"}} MINUS {{ term = “hjärta”, languageCode = "sv"}} )
Use Cases - Intentionally define a reference set for chronic disease. Starting point was ECL with modelling; This misses concepts modelled using the pattern you would expect. So important in building out that reference set.
- Authors quality assuring names of concepts
- Checking translations, retranslating. Queries for a concept that has one word in Swedish, another word in English
- AU use case would have at most 3 or 4 words in match
- Consistency of implementation in different terminology services
- Authoring use cases currently supported by description templates
- A set of the "*ectomy"s and "*itis"s
Questions - Do we include 'typeId' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*heart*”, typeId = 900000000000013009 |Synonym| }}
- Do we include 'type' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*heart*”, D.type = synonym }}
- Do we include 'languageCode' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*heart*”, D.type = synonym, D.languageCode = “en” }}
- Do we include 'caseSignificanceId' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*Heart*”, D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000017005 |case sensitive|}}
- Do we include 'caseSignificance' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*Heart*”, D.caseSignificance = sensitive }}
- Do we include 'language' and 'version' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*heart*” }} VERSION = http://…, LANGUAGE = (999001881000000108|Gastro LRS|, |GB English|)
- Do we include syntactic sugar - e.g.
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ preferredTerm = “*heart*”, languageRefSet = en-gb}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ fullySpecifiedTerm = “*heart*”, languageRefSet=en-gb}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ acceptableTerm = “*heart*”, languageRefSet = en-gb}}
- << 64572001 |Disease| {{ preferredTerm = “*heart*”}} FROM version = X, language = Y
- NO
- Do we use/require the "D" at the start of "term"?
- Packaging - How do we package this extension to ECL
- A new version of ECL - e.g. 2.0 (or 1.4?) → same specification document
- An optional extension to ECL for SNOMED authors/content developers - e.g. ECL++ / ECLv1.3++ → An appendix on the ECL document? (with Filter Language)
- A subset/profile of the Query Language → A separate document that defines SNOMED filters, which can be added to any version of ECL
- Filter Language
Executing maps | | Reverse memberOf function - What refsets is a concept a member of?
Proposed extension to ECL (same packaging questions as above) to support the execution of maps - Example use cases
- Mapping from international substance concepts to AMT substance concepts
- Anatomy structure and part association reference set - e.g. find the anatomical parts of a given structure
- Potential syntax to consider
- Functional
- mapTarget (|Anatomy structure and part association refset|, << |Upper abdomen structure|)
- Return the map targets from the given map refset. where the referencedComponent matches the condition
- mapSource (|Anatomy structure and part association refset|, << |Liver part|)
- Return the referencedComponent from the given map refset, where the targetId matches the condition.
- Dot notation + Attribute refinement
- |Anatomy structure and part association refset| . |mapTarget|
- |Anatomy structure and part association refset| . |referencedComponent| (Same as ^ |Anatomy structure and part association refset|)
- ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset|: |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure ) . |mapTarget|
- ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset|: |mapTarget| = << |Upper abdomen structure ) . |referencedComponent|
- Dot notation + Filters
- ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure| }} ). |mapTarget|
- ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ mapTarget = << |Upper abdomen structure| }} ) . |referencedComponent|
- ^ ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ mapTarget = << |Upper abdomen structure| }} )
- Specify value to be returned
- ?|mapTarget|? |Anatomy structure and part association refset|
- ?|mapTarget|? |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure| }}
- ?|mapTarget|? |Anatomy structure and part association refset| : |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure|
Returning attributes | Michael Lawley | Proposal from Michael: - Currently ECL expressions can match (return) concepts that are either the source or the target of a relationship triple (target is accessed via the 'reverse' notation or 'dot notation', but not the relationship type (ie attribute name) itself.
For example, I can write: << 404684003|Clinical finding| : 363698007|Finding site| = <<66019005|Limb structure| << 404684003|Clinical finding| . 363698007|Finding site| But I can't get all the attribute names that are used by << 404684003|Clinical finding| - Perhaps something like:
- ? R.type ? (<< 404684003 |Clinical finding|)
- This could be extended to, for example, return different values - e.g.
- ?? |Simple map refset|.|maptarget| ?? (^|Simple map refset| AND < |Fracture|)
URI Standard | | - Finalize and publish language and language instance URIs
Query Language - Summary from previous meetings
| | Examples: version and language Notes
- Allow nested where, version, language
- Scope of variables is inner query
| Examples: where Notes - Allow nested variable definitions, but recommend that people don't due to readability
- Scope of variables is the inner query
- No recursion e.g X WHERE X = 1234 MINUS X
- ie can't use a variable in its own definition
- ie X is only known on the left of the corresponding WHERE, and not on the right of the WHERE
Keywords for Term-based searching: - D.term
- D.term = "*heart*"
- D.term = wild:"*heart*"
- D.term = regex:".*heart.*"
- D.term = match:"hear att"
- D.term = (sv) wild: "*heart*"
- D.languageCode
- D.languageCode = "en"
- D.languageCode = "es"
- D.caseSignificanceId
- D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000448009 |entire term case insensitive|
- D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000017005 |entire term case sensitive|
- D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000020002 |only initial character case insensitive|
- D.caseSignificance
- D.caseSignificance = "insensitive"
- D.caseSignificance = "sensitive"
- D.caseSignificance = "initialCharInsensitive"
- D.typeId
- D.typeId = 900000000000003001 |fully specified name|
- D.typeId = 900000000000013009 |synonym|
- D.typeId = 900000000000550004 |definition|
- D.type
- D.type = "FSN"
- D.type = "fullySpecifiedName"
- D.type = "synonym"
- D.type = "textDefinition"
- D.acceptabilityId
- D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000549004 |acceptable|
- D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000548007 |preferred|
- D.acceptability
- D.acceptability = "acceptable"
- D.acceptability = "preferred"
Additional Syntactic Sugar - FSN
- FSN = "*heart"
- D.term = "*heart", D.type = "FSN"
- D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000003001 |fully specified name|
- FSN = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
- D.term = "*heart", D.type = "FSN", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
- D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000003001 |fully specified name|, acceptabilityId = * LANGUAGE X
- synonym
- synonym = "*heart"
- D.term = "*heart", D.type = "synonym"
- D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000013009 |synonym|
- synonym = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
- D.term = "*heart", D.type = "synonym", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
- D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000013009 |synonym|, (D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000549004 |acceptable| OR D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000548007 |preferred|) LANGUAGE X
- synonymOrFSN
- synonymOrFSN = "*heart"
- synonym = "*heart" OR FSN = "*heart"
- D.term = "*heart", (D.type = "synonym" OR D.type = "fullySpecifiedName")
- synonymOrFSN = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
- synonym = "*heart" OR FSN = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
- D.term = "*heart", (D.type = "synonym" OR D.type = "fullySpecifiedName"), D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
- textDefinition
- textDefinition = "*heart"
- D.term = "*heart", D.type = "definition"
- D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000550004 |definition|
- textDefinition = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
- D.term = "*heart", D.type = "definition", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
- D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000550004 |definition|, D.acceptabilityId = * LANGUAGE X
- Unacceptable Terms
- (D.term = "*heart") MINUS (D.term = "*heart", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X)
Language preferences using multiple language reference sets LRSs that use the same Language tend to use 'Addition' - i.e. child LRS only includes additional acceptable terms, but can override the preferred term E.g. Regional LRS that adds local dialect to a National LRS E.g. Specialty-specific LRS E.g. Irish LRS that adds local preferences to the en-GB LRS
LRSs that define a translation to a different language tend to use 'Replacement' - i.e. child LRS replaces set of acceptable and preferred terms for any associated concept
Other topics | | |
Confirm next meeting date/time | | SLPG meeting will be suspended until September, due to a series of travel, holiday and work commitments. |