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Date & Time

20:00 UTC Wednesday 8th May 2019

Teleconference Details

To join the meeting please go to

Further information can be found at SLPG meeting information


  • Make a decision on meeting at October business meeting
  • Review actions from last meeting
  • Proposed enhancements to template language
  • Proposed enhancements to expression constraint language
    • Term searching
  • Proposed new language features for mapping



Agenda and Meeting Notes


Welcome and apologies

  • Question - Should we hold a SLPG meeting in October (in Malaysia)?
Actions from last week
  • Actions from last week:
    • Update template syntax with new features
    • Consider new syntax to support proposed map use case
Template SyntaxLinda Bird

2 new proposals to meet SNOMED International's use cases

  1. Require slotnames to be unique
    • Why? To avoid having 2 ways to do the same thing, and to clarify the meaning through value restrictions.
    • Template
      • [[ +id ]]:
        { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = [[ +id @morphology ]],
        363698007 |finding site| = [[ +id @findingSite ]] },
                { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = [[ +id ($morphology) ]],
        363698007 |finding site| = [[ +id (* MINUS << $findingSite) ]] }

    • Valid Expression (Definition of 16027391000119109 |Bone cyst of bilateral tibias (disorder)|)
      • 64572001 |Disease| :
                    { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = 66954000 |Bone cyst|,
                      363698007 |Finding site| = 719491009 |Bone structure of right tibia| }
                    { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = 66954000 |Bone cyst|,
                      363698007 |Finding site| = 719492002 |Bone structure of left tibia| }

  2. Introduce a sameValue constraint (similar to the allOrNone constraint)
    • Template
      •  [[+id]]: [[1..* @group sameValue ($morphology)]]
        { |Finding site| = [[ +id ]] ,
        |Associated morphology| = [[ +id @morphology ]] }
    • Valid Expression (Definition of 31580001000004106 |Bilateral sacral insufficiency fracture (disorder)| )
        • 702561005 |Insufficiency fracture (disorder)|:
                     { 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = 736830008 |Bone structure of left half of sacrum (body structure)|,
                        116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = 22640007 |Pathologic fracture (morphologic abnormality)| }
                      { 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = 736831007 |Bone structure of right half of sacrum (body structure)|,
                        116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = 22640007 |Pathologic fracture (morphologic abnormality)| }

Use cases: New concept development, querying based on template matching, and template-based modeling transformation

Other requirements

  1. Constrain values across 2 or more replacement slots
    • 2 replacement slots must have the same value, different values, subsumed values, or not subsumed values.
    • Example A - A clinical finding, with 2 role groups with the same morphology, and finding sites that not subsume each other
      • Template

        • [[ +id ]]:
          { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = [[ +id @morphology ]],
          363698007 |finding site| = [[ +id (<< |Body structure| MINUS << $findingSite2 ) @findingSite1 ]] },
                  { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = [[ +id @morphology ]],
          363698007 |finding site| = [[ +id (* MINUS << $findingSite1) @findingSite2 ]] }

      • Valid Expression (Definition of 16027391000119109 |Bone cyst of bilateral tibias (disorder)|)
        • 64572001 |Disease| :
                      { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = 66954000 |Bone cyst|,
                        363698007 |Finding site| = 719491009 |Bone structure of right tibia| }
                      { 116676008 |Associated morphology| = 66954000 |Bone cyst|,
                        363698007 |Finding site| = 719492002 |Bone structure of left tibia| }
    • Example B - A clinical finding, with one or more role groups in which the morphology is always the same, and no 2 finding sites subsume each other.
      • Template - 3 role groups with 3 sites: site[1], site[2], site [3] /// site [1,2]
        •  [[+id]]:
          [[1..* @group1]] { |Finding site| = [[ +id (* MINUS << $site[!= SELF ] ) @site ]] ,
          |Associated morphology| = [[ +id ($morphology [!= SELF] ) @morphology ]] }
      • Valid Expression (Definition of 31580001000004106 |Bilateral sacral insufficiency fracture (disorder)| )
          • 702561005 |Insufficiency fracture (disorder)|:
                       { 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = 736830008 |Bone structure of left half of sacrum (body structure)|,
                          116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = 22640007 |Pathologic fracture (morphologic abnormality)| }
                        { 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = 736831007 |Bone structure of right half of sacrum (body structure)|,
                          116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = 22640007 |Pathologic fracture (morphologic abnormality)| }
  2. Default value for replacement slot
    • Default value for authoring and template-driven modelling transformations
    • Example A - Default finding site of 72673000 |Bone structure|
      • Template
        • [[ + id ]] :
          { |Finding site| = [[ +id (<< 72673000|Bone structure|) @site default (72673000 |Bone structure (body structure)|) ]]
  3. Definition status of a replacement slot
    • Specifying whether the value used in a replacement slot must be primitive or defined
    • Example A - When proximal primitive modelling, the focus concept must be a primitive concept
      • Template - Requires use of more expressive query language with filters
        • [[ + id (<< 64572001 |Disease| {{ c.definitionStatus = primitive }}) ]]
      • Valid Expression
        • 195967001 |Asthma (disorder)|
  4. Definition status of a templated expression
    • Specifying the definition status of a templated expression
    • Template
      • [[ +tok ("===" "<<<") ]] [[ +id ]] : { |Finding site| = [[+id]] }
      • Valid Expression
        • === 128272009 |Disorder of lower respiratory system| : 363698007 |Finding site| = 39607008 |Lung structure|
        • <<< 128272009 |Disorder of lower respiratory system| : 363698007 |Finding site| = 39607008 |Lung structure|
  5. Attributes used in repeating role groups
    • Constraining the set of attributes that appear in a repeating role group
    • Example 1 - In a given matching expression, either all the role groups include the attribute |site|, or none of the role groups include the attribute |site|. Similarly, either all role groups include |Occurrence|, or none of the role groups do.
      • Template - using allOrNone
        • [[+id]]: [[1..* @group1 allOrNone ($site), allOrNone($occurrence)]]
          { [[1..1]] |Associated morphology| = [[ +id @morphology ]],
          [[0..1 @site]] |Finding site| = [[ +id ]],
          [[0..1 @occurrence]] |Occurrence| = [[ +id ]] }
        • Valid Expression - Injury of head, neck and chest
          • [[ |Disease| ]]: 
            { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|, |Finding site| = |Head structure| } 
            { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|,  |Finding site| = |Neck structure| }
            { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|,  |Finding site| = |Chest structure| }
        • Valid Expression - Congenital malformation of head and neck 
          • [[ |Disease| ]]: 
            { |Associated morphology| = |malformation|, |Finding site| = |Head structure|, |Occurrence| = |Congenital| } 
            { |Associated morphology| = |malformation|,  |Finding site| = |Neck structure|, |Occurrence| = |Congenital| }
    • Example 2 - Some of the optional attributes must either always or never appear in each instance of a repeating role group
        • [[+id]]: [[1..* allOrNone($morph) ]]
          { [[ 1..1 ]] |Method| = [[+id]],
          [[ 0..1 @morph ]] |Direct morphology| = [[+id ]],
          [[ 0..1 ]] |Procedure site - Direct| = [[+id]],
          [[ 0..1]] |Using device| = [[+id]] ,
          [[ 0..1]] |Has intent| = [[+id]] }
        • Valid Expression - Closure of skin by suture
          • |Procedure|: 
            { |Method| = |Closure - action|, |Procedure site - Direct| = |Skin structure| , |Using device| = |Surgical suture, device|} 
        • Valid Expression - Core needle biopsy of skin using ultasonographic guidance
          • |Procedure|: 
            { |Method| = |Ultrasound imaging - action|, |Procedure site - Direct| = |Skin structure| , |Has intent| = |Guidance intent|} 
            { |Method| = |Biopsy - action|, |Procedure site - Direct| = |Skin structure| , |Using device| = |Core biopsy needle, device|} 
        • Valid Expression - Toilet and suture of wound
          • |Procedure|: 
            { |Method| = |Surgical toilet - action|, |Direct morphology| = |Wound| } 
            { |Method| = |Closure - action|,  |Direct morphology| = |Wound|,
            |Procedure site - Direct| = |Skin structure|, |Using device| = |Surgical suture, device| }
      • Example 3 - Some of the optional attributes must either always or never appear in each instance of an inner-nested, repeating role group
          • |Finding with explicit context|: [[1..2]]
            { [[ 1..1 ]] |Finding context| = [[+id]],
            [[ 1..1 ]] |Temporal context| = [[+id ]],
            [[ 1..1 ]] |Subject relationship context| = [[+id]],
            [[ 1..1]] |Associated finding| = ( [[+id]] : [[1..* allOrNone($site) allOrNone($Occurrence) ]]
            { [[1..1]] |Associated morphology| = [[ +id @morphology ]],
            [[0..1 @site]] |Finding site| = [[ +id ]],
            [[0..1 @occurrence]] |Occurrence| = [[ +id ]] } ) }
          • Valid Expression - History of Injury of head, neck and chest, and of congenital malformation of head and neck
            • |Finding with explicit context|:
              { |Finding context| = |Done|,
              |Temporal context| = |In the past|
              |Associated finding| = ( |Disease| : 

              { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|, |Finding site| = |Head structure| } 
              { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|,  |Finding site| = |Neck structure| }
              { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|,  |Finding site| = |Chest structure| } ) }
              { |Finding context| = |Done|,
              |Temporal context| = |In the past|,
              |Associated finding| = ( |Disease| :
              { |Associated morphology| = |malformation|, |Finding site| = |Head structure|, |Occurrence| = |Gongenital| } 
              { |Associated morphology| = |malformation|,  |Finding site| = |Neck structure|, |Occurrence| = |Gongenital| } ) }
      • Example 4 - Some of the optional attributes must either always or never appear in each instance of an outer-nested, repeating role group
          • |Finding with explicit context|: [[1..2 allOrNone ($site), allOrNone($occurrence), allOrNone($relationship) ]]
            { [[ 1..1 ]] |Finding context| = [[+id]],
            [[ 1..1 ]] |Temporal context| = [[+id ]],
            [[ 0..1 @relationship]] |Subject relationship context| = [[+id ]],
            [[ 1..1]] |Associated finding| = ( [[+id]] : [[1..* ]]
            { [[1..1]] |Associated morphology| = [[ +id ]],
            [[0..1 @site]] |Finding site| = [[ +id ]],
            [[0..1 @occurrence]] |Occurrence| = [[ +id ]] }
          • Valid Expression - History of Injury of head, neck and chest, and of malformation of head and neck
            • |Finding with explicit context|:
              { |Finding context| = |Done|,
              |Temporal context| = |In the past|,
              |Subject relationship context| = |Subject of record|,
              |Associated finding| = ( |Disease| : 

              { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|, |Finding site| = |Head structure| } 
              { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|,  |Finding site| = |Neck structure| }
              { |Associated morphology| = |Injury|,  |Finding site| = |Chest structure| } ) }
              { |Finding context| = |Done|,
              |Temporal context| = |In the past|,
              |Subject relationship context| = |Subject of record|,
              |Associated finding| = ( |Disease| :
              { |Associated morphology| = |malformation|, |Finding site| = |Head structure| } 
              { |Associated morphology| = |malformation|,  |Finding site| = |Neck structure| }
Introducing term searching to ECLLinda Bird


term  =  [lexicalSearchType ":"] String 

Lexical Search Type

  1. Wild Card Match (collation) - e.g.
    • {{  term = wild:"*heart*“ }}
    • {{  term = wild (sv):"*hjärta*“ }}
  2. ??? Perl Regex - e.g.
    • {{ term = regex:".*heart.*” }}
    • Question: Does the query suddenly become order dependent? Yes
  3. *** Word Prefix Any Order - e.g.
    • {{ term = match:“hear att” }}
  4. Default (word prefix any order) - e.g.
    • {{ term = "hear att" }}
    • {{ term = "*heart*“ }}

Potential Examples

  • << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*heart*”}}
  • << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*heart*”, languageCode = "en"}}
  • << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*heart*”, languageCode = "en"}} AND << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*heart*”, languageCode = "sv"}}
  • (<< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*cardio*” }}) MINUS (<< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term != “*heart*” }})
  • ?? << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*cardio*” }} MINUS << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term != “*heart*” }}

Use Cases

  • Intentionally define a reference set for chronic disease. Starting point was ECL with modelling; This misses concepts modelled using the pattern you would expect. So important in building out that reference set.
  • Authors quality assuring names of concepts
  • Checking translations, retranslating. Queries for a concept that has one word in Swedish, another word in English
  • AU use case would have at most 3 or 4 words in match
  • Consistency of implementation in different terminology services
  • Authoring use cases currently supported by description templates
  • A set of the "*ectomy"s and "*itis"s


  • Do we include 'typeId' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*heart*”, typeId =  900000000000013009 |Synonym| }}
  • Do we include 'type' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*heart*”, D.type synonym }}
  • Do we include 'languageCode' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*heart*”, D.type synonym, D.languageCode = “en” }}
  • Do we include 'caseSignificanceId' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*Heart*”, D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000017005 |case sensitive|}}
  • Do we include 'caseSignificance' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ D.term = “*Heart*”, D.caseSignificance = sensitive }}
  • Do we include 'language' and 'version' - e.g. << 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = “*heart*” }} VERSION = http://…, LANGUAGE = (999001881000000108|Gastro LRS|, |GB English|)
  • Do we include syntactic sugar - e.g.
    • << 64572001 |Disease| {{ preferredTerm = “*heart*”, languageRefSet = en-gb}}
    • << 64572001 |Disease| {{ fullySpecifiedTerm = “*heart*”, languageRefSet=en-gb}}
    • << 64572001 |Disease| {{ acceptableTerm = “*heart*”, languageRefSet = en-gb}}
    • << 64572001 |Disease| {{ preferredTerm = “*heart*”}} FROM  version = X, language = Y
  • Do we use/require the "D" at the start of "term"?
  • How does this relate to description templates? How does this relate to SNOSTORM implementation.
  • Packaging - Do we (over time) extend ECL with all the new Query Language features, and define a set of example ECL profiles - e.g. "Basic ECL", "ECL with basic term searching", "ECL with filters".
Executing maps

Proposed extension to ECL to support the execution of maps

  • Example use cases
    • Mapping from international substance concepts to AMT substance concepts
    • Anatomy structure and part association reference set - e.g. find the anatomical parts of a given structure
  • Potential syntax to consider
    • Functional
      • mapTarget (|Anatomy structure and part association refset|, << |Upper abdomen structure|)
      • mapSource (|Anatomy structure and part association refset|, << |Liver part|)
    • Dot notation + Attribute refinement
      • |Anatomy structure and part association refset| . |mapTarget|
      • |Anatomy structure and part association refset| . |referencedComponent| (Same as ^ |Anatomy structure and part association refset|)
      • ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset|: |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure ) . |mapTarget|
      • ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset|: |mapTarget| = << |Upper abdomen structure ) . |referencedComponent|
    • Dot notation + Filters
      • ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure| }} ). |mapTarget|
      • ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ mapTarget = << |Upper abdomen structure| }} ) . |referencedComponent|
        • ^ ( |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ mapTarget = << |Upper abdomen structure| }} )
    • Specify value to be returned
      • ?|mapTarget|? |Anatomy structure and part association refset|
      • ?|mapTarget|? |Anatomy structure and part association refset| {{ |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure| }}
      • ?|mapTarget|? |Anatomy structure and part association refset| : |referencedComponent| = << |Upper abdomen structure|
Returning attributesMichael Lawley

Proposal from Michael:

  • Currently ECL expressions can match (return) concepts that are either the source or the target of a relationship triple (target is accessed via the 'reverse' notation or 'dot notation', but not the relationship type (ie attribute name) itself. 

For example, I can write: 

<< 404684003|Clinical finding| : 363698007|Finding site| = <<66019005|Limb structure| 

<< 404684003|Clinical finding| . 363698007|Finding site| 

But I can't get all the attribute names that are used by << 404684003|Clinical finding| 

    • Perhaps something like:
      • ? R.type ? (<< 404684003 |Clinical finding|)
    • This could be extended to, for example, return different values - e.g.
      • ?? |Simple map refset|.|maptarget| ?? (^|Simple map refset| AND < |Fracture|)
URI Standard
  • Finalize and publish language and language instance URIs
Query Language
- Summary from previous meetings

Examples: version and language


    • Allow nested where, version, language
    • Scope of variables is inner query

Examples: where


      • Allow nested variable definitions, but recommend that people don't due to readability
      • Scope of variables is the inner query
      • No recursion e.g X WHERE X = 1234 MINUS X
        • ie can't use a variable in its own definition
        • ie X is only known on the left of the corresponding WHERE, and not on the right of the WHERE

Keywords for Term-based searching:

  • D.term
    • D.term = "*heart*"
    • D.term = wild:"*heart*"
    • D.term = regex:".*heart.*"
    • D.term = match:"hear att"
    • D.term = (sv) wild: "*heart*"
  • D.languageCode
    • D.languageCode = "en"
    • D.languageCode = "es"
  • D.caseSignificanceId
    • D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000448009 |entire term case insensitive|
    • D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000017005 |entire term case sensitive|
    • D.caseSignificanceId = 900000000000020002 |only initial character case insensitive|
  • D.caseSignificance
    • D.caseSignificance = "insensitive"
    • D.caseSignificance = "sensitive"
    • D.caseSignificance = "initialCharInsensitive"
  • D.typeId
    • D.typeId = 900000000000003001 |fully specified name|
    • D.typeId = 900000000000013009 |synonym|
    • D.typeId = 900000000000550004 |definition|
  • D.type
    • D.type = "FSN"
    • D.type = "fullySpecifiedName"
    • D.type = "synonym"
    • D.type = "textDefinition"
  • D.acceptabilityId
    • D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000549004 |acceptable|
    • D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000548007 |preferred|
  • D.acceptability
    • D.acceptability = "acceptable"
    • D.acceptability = "preferred"

Additional Syntactic Sugar

  • FSN
    • FSN = "*heart"
      • D.term = "*heart", D.type = "FSN"
      • D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000003001 |fully specified name|
    • FSN = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
      • D.term = "*heart", D.type = "FSN", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
      • D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000003001 |fully specified name|, acceptabilityId = * LANGUAGE X
  • synonym
    • synonym = "*heart"
      • D.term = "*heart", D.type = "synonym"
      • D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000013009 |synonym|
    • synonym = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
      • D.term = "*heart", D.type = "synonym", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
      • D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000013009 |synonym|, (D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000549004 |acceptable| OR D.acceptabilityId = 900000000000548007 |preferred|) LANGUAGE X
  • synonymOrFSN
    • synonymOrFSN = "*heart"
      • synonym = "*heart" OR FSN = "*heart"
      • D.term = "*heart", (D.type = "synonym" OR D.type = "fullySpecifiedName")
    • synonymOrFSN = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
      • synonym = "*heart" OR FSN = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
      • D.term = "*heart", (D.type = "synonym" OR D.type = "fullySpecifiedName"), D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
  • textDefinition
    • textDefinition = "*heart"
      • D.term = "*heart", D.type = "definition"
      • D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000550004 |definition|
    • textDefinition = "*heart" LANGUAGE X
      • D.term = "*heart", D.type = "definition", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X
      • D.term = "*heart", D.typeId = 900000000000550004 |definition|, D.acceptabilityId = * LANGUAGE X
  • Unacceptable Terms
    • (D.term = "*heart") MINUS (D.term = "*heart", D.acceptability = * LANGUAGE X)

Language preferences using multiple language reference sets

  • LRSs that use the same Language tend to use 'Addition' - i.e. child LRS only includes additional acceptable terms, but can override the preferred term

    • E.g. Regional LRS that adds local dialect to a National LRS

    • E.g. Specialty-specific LRS

    • E.g. Irish LRS that adds local preferences to the en-GB LRS

      • 99999900 |Irish language reference set| PLUS |GB English reference set|

  • LRSs that define a translation to a different language tend to use 'Replacement' - i.e. child LRS replaces set of acceptable and preferred terms for any associated concept

    • E.g. Danish LRS that does a partial translation of the International Release

      • 999999 |Danish language reference set| ELSE |GB English reference set|

Other topics
  • Any other topics?
Confirm next meeting date/time

The next SLPG meeting will be held in 2 weeks at 20:00 UTC on Wednesday 22nd May.

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet RegexCheat.xlsx 2019-May-08 by Ed Cheetham

  • No labels


  1. Following on from the discussion about order-independent regex searching being verbose, I've posted here a spreadsheet that I put together for one of our clinicians a couple of years ago to take advantage of the regex feature of the SI browser. It allows you to enter up to three different synonyms for up to three different tokens (in the green matrix) and generates a working (I think!) regex search expression, either in the blue cells if you only have one token, or in the yellow box for multiple tokens. The example (copied from the yellow F4 cell) allows a search of "(renal* OR kidney*) AND (failure* OR failed*) AND transplant*" - given time it returns 6 matches in the January 2019 international data. You have to remember to delete the ^ caret character.


    1. Thanks Ed!