Page tree

Within the AP, a concept relationship or component may be dragged to another concept.

Whole Relationship

To drag and drop a whole relationship from another concept by selecting the drag icon  for the row and drag it to the desired location.


A component of a relationship

To drag and drop an attribute or value from another concept by selecting the drag icon   or for the component and drag it to the desired location.


Note: When dragging a relationship to a new concept the drop area is indicated by a blue background. If you drop the relationship between the lines (no blue background), it is not copied.

Undo changes made by drag and drop

If a description or relationship is inadvertently dropped onto the same concept, it DOES NOT automatically save. Affirmative action is required by the user. If the "Save Concept" button is not clicked and the task is promoted, the concept that appears to be modified will be unchanged on the term-server.

Reverting changes on a concept made by drag and drop can be done two ways:

  • By selecting the Minus  button on the relationship row to remove it.
  • By selecting the Undo Change  button in the concept header to undo the last change.
  • By removing the entire concept from the edit panel by selecting the  Remove Concept from Edit Panel button


  • No labels