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1.1. Date


1.2. Zoom meeting recording

1.3. Attendees

1.4. Apologies


1.5. Objectives

  • Review TCM requests
  • Review of new additions for pattern diagnosis

1.6. Discussion items

Item Description Owner Notes Action
1 Review the progress of project 
  1. Deliverables
    Content requests from Malaysia - Identified concepts waiting for feedback from Malaysia
    ICD-11 Patterns - Most concepts have been added
    TM Subontology is under development by technical team
    Explore possibility to make TM subontology as a standalone free terminology
  2. Notes on Key Editorial decisions
    Patterns as subhierarchy of Clinical findings
    New top-level hierarchy for theoretical entity of traditional medicine
    Chinese language represents original meaning of concepts. Other languages can be added in extensions
    New concept models for principles, organs ect.
    Organ systems are represented as theoretical entities in contrast pure anatomical representations. Triple burners is excluded from Fu because their patterns are not considered as organ patterns.
    ICD-11 TM disorders should be the same as existing disorders in SNOMED CT unless TM specific disorders are needed

2 Future development for TM
  1. Address feedback from Malaysia
  2. Publication of TM subontology and including content from extensions
  3. Requirement gathering and prioritisation for future development
    1. Other tradition medicine, e.g. Indian
    2. IDMP standard review and herbal medicine concept model

3 Admin

Cancel the routine expert working group meeting

Arrange the final review when TM subontology is finalised

1.6.1. Previous Meetings

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