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All mapping resources created by group members for sharing

  File Modified
Text File root operation map.txt root operations mapped to SNOMED procedure and qualifier value 2016-Aug-31 by Kin-Wah Fung
Text File ALLPCSBodyparts mapped to SNOMED CT.txt lexical mapping of PCS body part terms to SNOMED CT 2016-Sep-02 by Kin-Wah Fung
Text File SNOMED Bodysite values distribution.txt Distribution of body site values among concept definitions 2016-Sep-09 by Kin-Wah Fung
Text File SNOMED Method values distribution.txt Distribution of method values among concept defintions 2016-Sep-09 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet pcs_ontology_2016_en_hpu_cordoba.xlsx 2016-Sep-22 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct.xlsx 2016-Nov-21 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Sct_Axis_3_And_4_To Pcs_ Map_20161117.pptx Rule based Snomed-Ct Axis 3 and 4 to ICD-10-PCS map applied to Lexical Index and GEMs 2016-Dec-01 by Filip Ameye
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet PCS_BODY_PART_DEFINITION_TABLE.xlsx 2016-Dec-01 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet PCS_AXIS4_NOT_IN_DEF_TABLE.xlsx 2016-Dec-01 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Word Document Project plan SNOMED CT to PCS map - final.docx project proposal submitted to IHTSDO 2016-Dec-01 by Kin-Wah Fung
File Axis_3_4_Map_20161206_Confluence.accdb Axis_3_And_4_Map_To_Pcs 2016-Dec-07 by Filip Ameye
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20161219.xlsx 2016-Dec-19 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170111.xlsx 2017-Jan-11 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets
Microsoft Excel Sheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170112-consolidado.xlsm 2017-Jan-12 by Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
Microsoft Excel Sheet Ontological mapping.xlsm 2017-Jan-15 by Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
Microsoft Excel Sheet PCS_Ontology_2016.xlsm 2017-Jan-15 by Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170321.xlsx 2017-Mar-22 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170919.xlsx 2017-Sep-25 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets
ZIP Archive ICD9CM index map to SNOMED and PCS 2017-Sep-25 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Word Document MAGPIE.docx Draft description of the mapping tool under development 2018-Jan-12 by Kin-Wah Fung
Java Archive magpie-0.1.22-full.jar 2018-Feb-22 by Kin-Wah Fung
Java Archive magpie-0.2.0-full.jar 2018-Mar-27 by Kin-Wah Fung
Java Archive magpie-0.2.47-full.jar 2018-Jul-20 by Kin-Wah Fung
Text File Common procedures for testing MAGPIE.txt 2018-Jul-20 by Kin-Wah Fung
Java Archive magpie-0.2.48-full.jar 2018-Jul-26 by Kin-Wah Fung
Java Archive magpie-0.2.50-full.jar 2018-Aug-17 by Kin-Wah Fung
Java Archive magpie-0.5.12-full.jar 2018-Sep-18 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation MAGPIE SNOMED EXPO 2018.pptx 2019-Jan-04 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Repurposing ICD9CM index for PCS Paper presentation.pptx 2019-Jan-04 by Kin-Wah Fung
File OMOPUV5_201901_PCS_SCT_MAP.csv 2019-Feb-08 by Kin-Wah Fung
File OMOPUV5_201901_PCS_SCT_MAP_ALL.csv 2019-Feb-08 by Kin-Wah Fung
ZIP Archive 2020-Jan-16 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Interventions Beta3.xlsx 2020-May-06 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ExtensionCodes Beta3.xlsx 2020-May-06 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet MSDRG.xlsx 2020-Jun-18 by Kin-Wah Fung
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet MSDRG_PCSCODES.xlsx 2020-Jun-18 by Kin-Wah Fung