- Created by Kin-Wah Fung, last modified on 2016-Aug-26
All mapping resources created by group members for sharing
File | Modified | |
Text File ALLPCSBodyparts mapped to SNOMED CT.txt lexical mapping of PCS body part terms to SNOMED CT | 2016-Sep-02 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
File Axis_3_4_Map_20161206_Confluence.accdb Axis_3_And_4_Map_To_Pcs | 2016-Dec-07 by Filip Ameye | |
Text File Common procedures for testing MAGPIE.txt | 2018-Jul-20 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ExtensionCodes Beta3.xlsx | 2020-May-06 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
ZIP Archive ICD9CM index map to SNOMED and PCS 20170925.zip | 2017-Sep-25 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
ZIP Archive ICHI.zip | 2020-Jan-16 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Interventions Beta3.xlsx | 2020-May-06 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Word Document MAGPIE.docx Draft description of the mapping tool under development | 2018-Jan-12 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Java Archive magpie-0.1.22-full.jar | 2018-Feb-22 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Java Archive magpie-0.2.0-full.jar | 2018-Mar-27 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Java Archive magpie-0.2.47-full.jar | 2018-Jul-20 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Java Archive magpie-0.2.48-full.jar | 2018-Jul-26 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Java Archive magpie-0.2.50-full.jar | 2018-Aug-17 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Java Archive magpie-0.5.12-full.jar | 2018-Sep-18 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation MAGPIE SNOMED EXPO 2018.pptx | 2019-Jan-04 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct.xlsx | 2016-Nov-21 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20161219.xlsx | 2016-Dec-19 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170111.xlsx | 2017-Jan-11 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170112-consolidado.xlsm | 2017-Jan-12 by Arturo Romero Gutiérrez | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170321.xlsx | 2017-Mar-22 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170919.xlsx | 2017-Sep-25 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet MSDRG_PCSCODES.xlsx | 2020-Jun-18 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet MSDRG.xlsx | 2020-Jun-18 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
File OMOPUV5_201901_PCS_SCT_MAP_ALL.csv | 2019-Feb-08 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
File OMOPUV5_201901_PCS_SCT_MAP.csv | 2019-Feb-08 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet Ontological mapping.xlsm | 2017-Jan-15 by Arturo Romero Gutiérrez | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet PCS_AXIS4_NOT_IN_DEF_TABLE.xlsx | 2016-Dec-01 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet PCS_BODY_PART_DEFINITION_TABLE.xlsx | 2016-Dec-01 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet pcs_ontology_2016_en_hpu_cordoba.xlsx | 2016-Sep-22 by Ariel Alejandro Busquets | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet PCS_Ontology_2016.xlsm | 2017-Jan-15 by Arturo Romero Gutiérrez | |
Microsoft Word Document Project plan SNOMED CT to PCS map - final.docx project proposal submitted to IHTSDO | 2016-Dec-01 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Repurposing ICD9CM index for PCS Paper presentation.pptx | 2019-Jan-04 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Text File root operation map.txt root operations mapped to SNOMED procedure and qualifier value | 2016-Aug-31 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Sct_Axis_3_And_4_To Pcs_ Map_20161117.pptx Rule based Snomed-Ct Axis 3 and 4 to ICD-10-PCS map applied to Lexical Index and GEMs | 2016-Dec-01 by Filip Ameye | |
Text File SNOMED Bodysite values distribution.txt Distribution of body site values among concept definitions | 2016-Sep-09 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Text File SNOMED Method values distribution.txt Distribution of method values among concept defintions | 2016-Sep-09 by Kin-Wah Fung | |
Kin-Wah Fung
field description of body part mapping file:
Statistics: total PCS terms 1917 of which 1580 have SNOMED CT map (1383 by MetaMap, 1305 by normalized string match)
Kin-Wah Fung
The two files SNOMED Bodysite values distribution.txt and SNOMED Method values distribution.txt are counts of concepts that used these values in the Procedure site - direct attribute and Method attribute. There are two counts, one for all procedures and one for only surgical procedures.
Kin-Wah Fung
PCS_BODY_PART_DEFINITION_TABLE.xlsx file has all the body part names and body part keys in the PCS body part definition table. Note that it's 2016 (not 2017) version of PCS.
Kin-Wah Fung
PCS_AXIS4_NOT_IN_DEF_TABLE.xlsx file has the body part values that are used in the axis4 of PCS codes but not included in the body part definition table. To get all body part values, we need to combine this table with the body_part_definition table.
Filip Ameye
The Axis_3_And_4_Map Access file goes with the ppt presentation of Nov 17. Each object has some comment to it when you right click and open the 'Table properties'
Ariel Alejandro Busquets
Mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20161219.xlsx file is the new version of axis #4 reverse mapping. It's include genitourinary, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, and mouth and throat systems
Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20161219-consolidado.xlsm file is a consolidated version of all PCS Axis 4 reverse mappings available up to the specified date 20161219; as new body systems are added to the reverse map, we will consolidate map elements into one table; some metrics will be added and updated to monitor progress. Thanks to the team working from Cordoba, Argentina.
Ariel Alejandro Busquets
Mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170111.xlsx file is the new version of axis #4 reverse mapping. It's adds endocrine system.
Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
Reverse mapping for axis 4 mapeo-eje-4-cie10-pcs-a-snomed-ct-20170112-consolidado.xlsm has been updated. Endocrine system appended.
Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
Ontological mapping.xlsm contains a reverse mapping table for axis 3 of PCS. It requires additional normalization for use within queries. Ready for discussion.
Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
PCS_Ontology_2016.xlsm contains a bilingual version of PCS, English and Spanish.
Kin-Wah Fung
I've uploaded a new version of the ICD9CM procedure index mapping file (ICD9CM index map to SNOMED and PCS 20170925.zip). I've added a new field called CONCATNAME_SHORT (short concatenated name), which is the concatname without the words in parenthesis (non-essential modifiers) and other things not useful in mapping, such as NEC, NOS, and other * (e.g. other specified site). This results in many more hits (50% increase) when mapping to SNOMED CT using normalized lexical mapping. The field list:
ID - master ID of the index entry
Main - main entry of index
indent1-indent7 - indented entries
code1 - first code listed
code2 - second code listed
Ref - reference
concatname - concatenation of main entry and indented entries
CONCATNAME_SHORT - concatenation of main entry and indented entries, ignoring words in parenthesis, NEC, NOS, and other * (e.g. other specified site)
NORMMAP_CONCEPTID - map to SNOMED CT conceptid using normalized lexical matching of concatname
NORMMAP_FSN - fully specified name of the SNOMED CT concept
NORMMAP_SHORT_CONCEPTID - map to SNOMED CT conceptid using normalized lexical matching of CONCATNAME_SHORT
UMAP_CODE1_CONCEPTID - map to SNOMED CT conceptid using UMLS synonymy and first ICD9CM code (code1)
UMAP_CODE1_FSN - fully specified name
UMAP_CODE2_CONCEPTID - map to SNOMED CT conceptid using UMLS synonymy and second ICD9CM code (code2)
UMAP_CODE2_FSN - fully specified name
CODE1_GEM_PCS - map to PCS using GEM based on first ICD9CM code (code1)
CODE1_GEM_FLAG - flag value of first GEM map
CODE2_GEM_PCS - map to PCS using GEM based on second ICD9CM code (code2)
CODE2_GEM_FLAG - flag value of second GEM map
Kin-Wah Fung
A new version of MAGPIE is ready to try (magpie-0.2.0-full.jar).
New instructions:
Running the MAGPIE server - from the file explorer
1. Your PC will need Java 8.
2. Make a folder in which to put MAGPIE and its data. Allow at least
500 megabytes.
3. Put the MAGPIE jar file in that folder.
4. Double-click the MAGPIE jar file (or otherwise invoke it, according
to the customs of your computer desktop).
- Soon, a picture of the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical
Communications should appear. Java is initializing.
- After a little while, the MAGPIE Control box appears, with a
message "Preparing...". MAGPIE is reading its data files and
expanding them into a searchable index.
- After a few minutes, the MAGPIE Control box says, "Serving
http://localhost:8080/". There are two buttons, "Browse" and
"Stop". MAGPIE is now ready to serve its website.
8. Use the MAGPIE website: Choose "Browse", or by other means open a
web browser to the location http://localhost:8080/
9. Stop the MAGPIE server when you are finished.
You may do this by choosing Stop from the MAGPIE Control box.
10. To run MAGPIE again, repeat the process from Step 4,
"double-click the MAGPIE jar file...". MAGPIE will re-use the
expanded index of data files, saving some time relative to the
initial run.
Kin-Wah Fung
This file OMOPUV5_201901_PCS_SCT_MAP.csv contains the maps between SNOMED CT and PCS extracted from the OHDSI's terminology tables. This may be useful for batch matching between the two terminologies. The fields are:
conceptid1 - internal OHDSI concept id for the PCS code
relationship_id - all the rows are Is_a relationships
conceptid2 - internal OHDSI concept id for the SNOMED CT concept
Arturo Romero Gutiérrez
and it can be applied to generate a mapping table for the MapServer app. Postcoordination alternatives would be my job (approaches, other PCS attributes can be calculated via algorithms).
Is it allowed to use it for other products? Should I request for OHDSI permission? OMOP lcensees and community are allowed to use this table?
Translation of descriptors can be done as a quick starter for Spain also, even to languages NL and FR and PT and DE would be available soon. Adding values about PCS frequency of use is not difficult either. Map quality has to be evaluated of course.
Thanks for your contribution!!
Kin-Wah Fung
This file OMOPUV5_201901_PCS_SCT_MAP_ALL.csv contains all relationships, not only Is_a.
Kin-Wah Fung
I don't think it is a problem to use it, but to be safe do contact them https://ohdsi.org/.
Kin-Wah Fung
Hi there,
I've uploaded a zip file called ICHI. It contains content scraped from the ICHI browser, since no flat file is available to download. There are 2 sets of files:
Let me know if you have questions.
Kin-Wah Fung
New ICHI (Beta 3 version) flat files for interventions and extension codes uploaded