Term | description type | Language/acceptability | Langauge/acceptability | Case significance |
[property] of [inheres in] to [towards] in [inherent location] based on [direct site] by [technique] using [using device] [precondition] (observable entity) | FSN | US:PT | GB:PT | ci |
[property] of [inheres in] to [towards] in [inherent location] by [technique] using [using device] [precondition] | PT | US:PT | GB:PT | ci |
Concept model:
Definition status:
Applies to:
< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|
Rules for description generation:
- This is a general template. If additional attributes are included then the FSN needs to be updated accordingly.
- If a device is not included, remove "using [using device]"
- Remove 'property' from [property] if term contains '(property)' or 'property,' e.g., 118539007 |Mass concentration (property) (qualifier value)| replaced by "mass concentration"