Page tree

Status Ready for implementation
Version 1.0

1.1. Descriptions:

Term Description type Language/acceptability


Case significance
[Excision] of [cyst] of [body structure] using [device] by [approach] (procedure) FSN us:P gb:P ci
[Excision] of [cyst] of [body structure] using [device] by [approach] PT us:P gb:P ci

1.2. Concept model:

Attribute Group Cardinality Attribute Cardinality Attribute in Group Cardinality Attribute Value
0..0 1..1
116680003 |Is a (attribute)| 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|
1..1 260686004 |Method (attribute)|

1..1 363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|

0..1 405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|

0..1 424876005 |Surgical approach (attribute)|

0..1 424226004 |Using device (attribute)|
0..1 363702006 |Has focus (attribute)|  <  404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| 

1.3. Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)| 

1.4. Applies to:

<< 428297005 |Excision of cyst (procedure)|

1.5. Template language

1.6. Link to the misalignment report:

1.7. Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

1.8. JIRA ticket:

INFRA-9091 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Case sensitivity can be either ci or cl; however, the majority are ci.  Only four or so are cl.  

  2. The parent concept |Excision of cyst| won't follow the template because it doesn't have a body structure. 

  3. Hi Jim Case and Yongsheng Gao, Template ready for review.

  4. I'm wondering if the description should have cyst in brackets in order to include the specific types of morphology in cysts, such as sebaceous cyst, ganglion cyst, in the name/FSN etc. 

  5. Krista Lilly,

    You have PROCEDURE SITE - DIRECT as 1..1.  Do we not have instances where the body site is not specified, e.g. Excision of <x cyst type>?  I would agree with your suggestion to add cyst in brackets in the description.

  6. Hi Krista Lilly, I have updated the format of cardinalities and the description pattern. The "using access device" could be removed because "Laparoscopic/Thoracoscopic excisions are covered by the endoscopic assistant procedure template. The list of these concepts can be found by ECL query: << 428297005 |Excision of cyst (procedure)| : 425391005 |Using access device (attribute)| = *

  7. Thanks for the feedback. I removed Access device from the concept model & template language.  Yongsheng Gao, is this ready for implementation? 

    1. Cheers, the template is submitted for implementation. Please apply the normlisation for the QI project.