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StatusReady for review



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
Arthrodesis of [joint structure] (procedure)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
Arthrodesis of [joint structure]PTus:Pgb:Pci
Fusion of [joint structure]SYus:Agb:Aci


Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

<<  19578002 |Arthrodesis (procedure)|

Template language:

71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| :
363702006 |Has focus (attribute)|  = [[+id (< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| )]]},
260686004 |Method (attribute)|  = [[+id( 129379006 |Fusion - action (qualifier value)| )]],
405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  39352004 |Joint structure (body structure)| )]],
246513007 |Revision status (attribute)|  = [[+id( 255231005 |Revision - value (qualifier value)| )]],
424876005 |Surgical approach (attribute)|  = [[+id(<  103379005 |Procedural approach (qualifier value)| )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)| )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|  = [[+id(<< 705904002 |Orthopedic fixation system (physical object)| )]]}
260686004 |Method (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 129284003 |Surgical action (qualifier value)| )]],
405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  113192009 |Skeletal system structure (body structure)|  or < 87784001 |Structure of soft tissue (body structure)| )]],
424226004 |Using device (attribute)|  = [[+id(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| )]],
363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)|  = [[+id(<< 260667007 |Graft (substance)| )]],
363700003 |Direct morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(< 49755003 |Morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality)| )]],
424876005 |Surgical approach (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  103379005 |Procedural approach (qualifier value)| )]]}

Link to the misaligned concept report:

Rules for description generation: 

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

JIRA ticket: