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View previously published versions of a SNOMED CT concept.

Prerequisite steps: Browse SNOMED CT International Edition concepts

In the SCT Browser Full perspective, press the History tab in the Concept Details panel.

The Concept Details panel updates to show a chronological listing (by SNOMED CT version date) of published versions of the focus concept. Each list row shows:

  • Version  (date in YYYY-MM-DD format).
  • Type of Change, showing what type of concept details were modified in that version.
Press a Version entry to switch all Concept Details to those published in that version.

An additional label including the version date is appended to the Concept Details panel title to maintain context whilst browsing the historical details.

Navigate around the historical details as needed using the Concept Details panel context tabs.

Changed items highlighting

When viewing the Details tab, any item that is highlighted with a blue dotted border means that item change was first published in the version being viewed.


In the Details tab, additional metadata can be viewed for each item via the grey icon buttons to the right of the relevant item row. Moving the cursor over the button will highlight it in blue. 

In the Details tab, when highlighted, press to see a pop-over table of information for that item, including its Effective Time (publication change date).

The Effective Time of highlighted items will match the historical version currently being viewed. 

Press at the end of the Concept Details panel title when viewing a historical version to restore the panel contents to the latest published version (the additional label will be cleared).

Changing focus also resets to latest version

Historical details will also be cleared if the Concept Details focus concept is changed.