Extension Concepts



651031000124106 |Coordination of resources to address transportation insecurity (procedure)|US
671341000124102 |Coordination of resources to address health literacy (procedure)|US
464611000124102 |Coordination of care team (procedure)|US

International and Extension Concepts

International Concepts
1268664009 |Coordination of resources to address elder abuse (procedure)|
1268662008 |Coordination of resources to address social needs (procedure)|
1004110005 |Coordination of resources to address food insecurity (procedure)|
1268686005 |Coordination of resources to address inadequate housing (procedure)|
1162437009 |Coordination of resources to address housing instability (procedure)|
711069006 Coordination of care plan (procedure)

Gaps Identified from Use Case Work

Missing Concepts
Nil listed

Country Responses

Actions: Taking into account the concepts noted above please identify

  • the types of social care coordination procedures that are missing
  • any extension concepts that would not be useful or understood in your country 
United States
United Kingdom