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PDF File Australian LTCF v9.1.2 (scanned copy).pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Australian LTCF v9.1.2 SNOMED CT codes (2022).xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File Anant Jani-PaperSocialPrescription.pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Norway-Nasjonal_verdi_begrepsliste_helsefag.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet nursing_map-homecareMapwithEnglishTermforSCTcode_GM.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet preventionPromotionmap-homecareMapwithEnglishTermforSCTcode_GM.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet rehabilitationMaphomecareMapwithEnglishTermforSCTcode_GM.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SocialCareMapWithEnglischTermforSCTCode_GM.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 20220112 Inadequate Housing Screeners with Available Codes.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 20220112 Housing Instability Screeners with Available Codes.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 20220202 Social Connection Screeners with Available Codes.xlsx 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File my-aged-care-national-screening-and-assessment-form-user-guide_0.pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File UK-mentalhealthact-Reference_Guide.pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File UK-MHA_Code_of_Practice.pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File NHSX_Technology_and_Digital_Skills_Review_Summary_November_2021.pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File A plan for digital health and social care - GOV.UK.pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File technology-enabled-care-revolution-white-paper-march-2019_1.pdf 2023-Mar-24 by William TF Goossen
PDF File fs76_intermediate_care_and_reablement_fcs.pdf 2023-May-04 by Anant Jani