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Authoring begins for frequent delivery migration for the 2021 International release.

Request updates to validation to align with large scale changes to content development (e.g. axiom, GCI, concrete domains etc).

Daily Build to be continuously checked by Content Release Lead(s) to ensure no failures in the "Traceability Service" assertion(s) in the RVF report.  These will provide advanced notice of the type of failures we currently don't find until Release time (items missing from the RF2 manifest, package formatting issues, etc), so that they can be fixed well before the release.


No further batch loads or bulk updates.

No further promotion for projects that have large scale changes for example promotion from the Community Content or changes to foundational hierarchies likely to have impact across other content.

Cross check that all MRCM changes have been made and the associated content changes completed (i.e. no MRCM errors on Main). No further changes to MRCM.

Create the module dependency records for the next release.


Last day to launch a new task in the authoring platform intended for the current release cycle.

Last day for the Content team to promote any changes intended for release in the current editing cycle.

Content review for conflict with LOINC agreement.

Lockdown of project promotion via INFRA ticket.

Content release manager final content review and validation in the current release branch:

  • Confirm root concept has been updated - September 2021 release.
  • Review RVF report.
  • Review MRCM report.
  • Check the exceptions list for all components listed during the current release cycle.
  • Run 'Inactivated concept in ref set' report.
  • Spell check/ check descriptions file for inaccuracies or typos.
  • Reporting platform release validation section - KPI patterns, case sensitivity, duplicate terms, release issues report, validate inactivations report.
  • Reporting platform release statistic section - Inactivated concepts, New and changed components, New descriptions, Release stats, Summary component stats, Inactive concepts in ref sets, Concepts move elsewhere.


Final handover meeting - once all signed off, full validation of initial content + fixing of all issues that it is possible to resolve before versioning


Content team - no access to authoring platform 6 and 7 September.

Technical team release tasks (as and when initial validation is signed off at each milestone)

  • ...including termServer branching and Release versioning

(if possible on the same day as 8.4 Release to give us a clean baseline for the new Traceability service - if not possible then 8.4 release on 6th, and versioning on 7th)


Donna Morgan + 



Maria BraithwaiteRestart content editing for the next release cycle in the new release branch on authoring platform version 8.3


Full manual + automated validation of the versioned content.



Preparation of release notes.  (NOT REQUIRED FOR SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER 2021 RELEASES)

Maria BraithwaiteHandover of release notes to Technical release manager. (NOT REQUIRED FOR SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER 2021 RELEASES)


IF Release leads are confident in the quality of September release then share with external stakeholders for pre-Production release sent to relevant stakeholders for final review, plus fixing + regression testing of all issues identified.

Andrew Atkinson

Production internal release date.

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