Page tree

Type Specific Notes on Common Attributes


In this case, a subtype descendant of: 447258008 | Ordered type reference set|


Refers to the source component of the association.

Type Specific Additional Attributes


Data type


Part of Primary Key



The identifier of the target component of the association that acts as a grouper or hierarchy node, collecting together a subgroup from within the list.

This field either enables reference set member linked into a number of subgroups. These subgroups can be nested allowing representation of alternative hierarchies.

To link members into a subgroup, all components in the same subgroup should reference the same component. This can either be a component that represents the name of that subgroup or the first member of the subgroup. In the latter case, the first row of each subgroup will contain the same identifier in referencedComponentId and targetComponentId and with order =1.

To link a number of children concepts to a single parent concept, one member record should exist per child, with the referencedComponentId field referencing the parent and this field referencing the child concept. The order field is then used to order the children concepts under the parent concept.



Specifies the sort order of the list. The list is ordered by applying an ascending sort of the order value.

The value of order =1 represents the highest priority. A value of '0' is not allowed. Duplicate values are permitted and the sort order between two members with the same order value is not defined.

If the targetComponentId value is not 0, sorting occurs within subgroups that share the same targetComponentId.

Note: The name "order" is a reserved word in some database environments. Please consider this when using this column.