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Details on integration with the IHTSDO Terminology Server.

Terminology Handler

The tool has a terminology handler API that supports a range of calls that can be made and implemented against a terminology server endpoint.  These include:

  1. countExpression, resolveExpression

    1. Used for working with expressions when maintaining intensional refsets or looking up large numbers of concepts for migration.

  2. findConceptsForQuery, findRefsetsForQuery

    1. Standard string or id-based searching mechanisms for refsets or concepts.
  3. getConcept, getConceptChildren, getConceptParents, getFullConcept

    1. For accessing concept information.
    2. The "full" concept includes descriptions and relationships.
  4. getConcepts

    1. For reading a batch of concepts at once (e.g. during migration)
  5. getLanguages

    1. Determine languages supported by the integration
  6. getModules

    1. Lookup RF2 modules
  7. getReplacementConcepts

    1. Find replacements for inactive concepts
  8. getTerminologyEditions

    1. Determine which editions are supported
  9. getTerminologyVersions

    1. Determine which versions of an edition are supported
  10. translate

    1. Auto-translate a string.

Browser Integration

Implements the calls above against the IHTSDO Browser endpoint.

TBD: more details

It requires the following configuration to work:



Snowowl Integration

Implements the calls above against the IHTSDO authoring endpoint.

TBD: more details

It requires the following configuration to work:

terminology.handler.SNOWOWL.authHeader=Basic EDIT_THIS


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