Details on integration with the IHTSDO Terminology Server.
Terminology Handler
The tool has a terminology handler API that supports a range of calls that can be made and implemented against a terminology server endpoint. These include:
countExpression, resolveExpression
Used for working with expressions when maintaining intensional refsets or looking up large numbers of concepts for migration.
findConceptsForQuery, findRefsetsForQuery
- Standard string or id-based searching mechanisms for refsets or concepts.
getConcept, getConceptChildren, getConceptParents, getFullConcept
- For accessing concept information.
- The "full" concept includes descriptions and relationships.
- For reading a batch of concepts at once (e.g. during migration)
- Determine languages supported by the integration
- Lookup RF2 modules
- Find replacements for inactive concepts
- Determine which editions are supported
- Determine which versions of an edition are supported
- Auto-translate a string.
Browser Integration
Implements the calls above against the IHTSDO Browser endpoint.
TBD: more details
It requires the following configuration to work:
terminology.handler=BROWSER terminology.handler.BROWSER.class=org.ihtsdo.otf.refset.jpa.services.handlers.BrowserTerminologyHandler terminology.handler.BROWSER.defaultUrl=https://sct-rest.ihtsdotools.org/api terminology.handler.BROWSER.apiKey=EDIT_THIS
Snowowl Integration
Implements the calls above against the IHTSDO authoring endpoint.
TBD: more details
It requires the following configuration to work:
terminology.handler=SNOWOWL terminology.handler.SNOWOWL.class=org.ihtsdo.otf.refset.jpa.services.handlers.SnowowlTerminologyHandler terminology.handler.SNOWOWL.defaultUrl=https://authoring.ihtsdotools.org/snowowl/snomed-ct/v2 terminology.handler.SNOWOWL.authHeader=Basic EDIT_THIS terminology.handler.SNOWOWL.apiKey=EDIT_THIS
- https://browser.ihtsdotools.org (browser)
- http://docs.snomedctsnapshotapi.apiary.io/#reference (browser API)
- https://authoring.ihtsdotools.org/snowowl/snomed-ct/v2/# (authoring API)