Documentation on the integration with the IHTSDO component identifier service.
The tool has a handler for managing identifier assignment. It has a series of methods for supporting identifier assignment of a number of different types of object. E.g.:
getTerminologyId(Concept) getTerminologyId(ConceptRefsetMember) getTerminologyId(Description) getTerminologyId(DescriptionType) getTerminologyId(LanguageRefsetMember) getTerminologyId(ModuleDependencyRefsetMember) getTerminologyId(Refset) getTerminologyId(RefsetDescriptorRefsetMember) getTerminologyId(Translation)
The tool can be integrated with the IHTSDO component identifier service to make use of that integration to manage id assignment for things like refsets and descriptions. It can be configured in the config.properties file. For example,
identifier.assignment.handler=DEFAULT identifier.assignment.handler.DEFAULT.class=org.ihtsdo.otf.refset.jpa.services.handlers.IhtsdoComponentIdentifierServiceHandler identifier.assignment.handler.DEFAULT.url=https://dev-cis.ihtsdotools.org/api identifier.assignment.handler.DEFAULT.userName=EDIT_THIS identifier.assignment.handler.DEFAULT.password=EDIT_THIS
The URL can be pointed at any properly configured instance of the IHTSDO CIS. The username and password are authentication credentials for that service.
Administration of CIS
Note: in order for CIS to work properly, it has to be configured with the namespaces that you intend for your users to make use of. This is generally fine for the international edition, but for UAT or DEV environments, it may require more maintenance. This will require having an account that authorizes you to log in and make changes on the admin console, e.g. https://cis.ihtsdotools.org/admin/pages/login.html