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Group name

Pathology Laboratory Medicine CRG Meeting


27th, September 2022 at 8:00 UTC

Discussion items

1WelcomeScott Campbell
2Semantic interoperability (SNOMED and LOINC) - experiences and way forwardJim Campbell


  • Accept lab codes prioritised by members of the lab test interoperation build using OWL observables concept model
  • Create OWL expression definitions for member nation lab codes sets, transform into fully defined SNOMED observables extension for member national use to support interoperation of their laboratory data 

Next steps to defined following a landscape review by Scott, Jim and the group

3Surgical pathology workflow group proposalThomas Rudigar
4Member Forum Microbiology working group updateJohn Snyder
5Any other discussion itemsAll
  • Netherlands - clinical chemistry (reluctance to share structured data back to clinicians - reason SNOMED and LOINC are both not comprehensive enough to support clinical decision making) . . . collaboration request ?
  • Links with Genomics in future
  • Rare disease documentation in project in Sweden (SNOMED encoding)

Next steps

Date/time of next meeting



Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation MicrobiologyProjectGroup_V4.pptx 2022-Sep-27 by Ian Green
PDF File 220927 Pathology CRG business meeting.pdf 2022-Sep-27 by Ian Green
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation LAB_Observables for Interoperation.pptx 2022-Sep-27 by James R. Campbell

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