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Indian Health Project

Description on Oral Health Status form SCTID Fully specified name (SNOMED) Parent SCTID, FSN
Last exam date 722353005 Date of last oral examination (observable entity) 840644009 |Date of last oral examination (observable entity)|
# of remaining teeth 251321005 Present tooth count (observable entity) 364133007 |Measure of dentition (observable entity)|
Estimate # of teeth with active carious lesions 251319000 Decayed tooth count (observable entity) 364133007 |Measure of dentition (observable entity)|
Any abscessed teeth 246209001

Number of abscesses (observable entity) ( or add # of endodontic abscesses as child)

Any teeth requiring immediate restoration or treatment? Need new concept model after immediately necessary treatment as an obs entity
Community periodontal index (by sextant) 251309006 Community periodontal index of treatment need (observable entity) 251306004 |Index of periodontal condition (observable entity)|
Community periodontal index (CPI) scores

Carious teeth, 1-3 251319000 Decayed tooth count (observable entitiy) can we add these as children?
Carious teeth 4-9
concrete ranges under discussion:
Carious teeth 10 or more
concrete ranges under discussion:

Any teeth identified for extraction due to caries, perio disease or abscess? Need new concept possibly model after 183976008 Operative procedure planned (situation)
Any abnormal oral lesions indicated for biopsy 183993008 Biopsy planned (situation)
Any definitively diagnosed oral and pharyngeal cancer 363505006 Malignant tumor of oral cavity (disorder)
Active caries depth (by sextant) Need new concept

as child of 425170006, depth of lesion? Add as child depth of carious dental lesion

Active caries depth (1-4)
Can likely adapt to E1, E2, D1, D2, D3 and into pulp

Caries risk 609400006 At low risk for dental caries (finding)

609401005 At moderate risk for dental caries (finding)

609402003 At high risk for dental caries (finding)
Smoking 266918002 tobacco smoking consumption (observable entity)

77176002 current smoker (finding)

56771006 Heavy smoker (over 20/day) (finding)

multiple others- what do we need or want?

Diabetes 44054006 Diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder)

46635009 Diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder)
Dry Mouth 87715008 Xerostomia (disorder)

  • The first column contains the metrics that they are trying to capture, the other columns are possible concepts that currently exist and any that may be needed.  

  • We would like feedback on the observable entities, the existing concepts are under modeled with no attributes, and many of the findings to not have an observable to "interpret" and are also under modeled.

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