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Date and time

2020-01-27 20.00 UTC


Discuss and make progress on these issues:

  • Intake observables with route
  • Evaluation procedure and Observables
    • Briefing note for MF, CMAG and other AGs
  • Ability observables

Discussion items

See below.

1Welcome & apologies
  • Remember recording!

2Conflicts of interest

None stated

3Minutes from previous meetingDaniel Karlsson

4London meetingDaniel Karlsson

The schedule is already becoming full, will try to put Observables discussions into EAG and PaLM respectively.

Outreach from the Observables group might be a possibility depending on discussion items on CRG agendas. Will be confirmed closer to April.

5Nutrition observables

Nutrition observables

Dietitians are hopeful to have a way to specify the route of delivery in observable concepts to distinguish intake, for example, grams of carbohydrate from parenteral nutrition, other intravenous fluids, enteral nutrition, and orally. Broader concepts that are in process for the January 31, 2020 release, such as, 787764007 |Estimated intake of carbohydrate in 24 hours (observable entity)| would be the parent concepts. The input of this group would be very helpful with regard to the modeling and possible new attributes.

One solution would be to use descendants of 433590000 | Administration of substance via specific route (procedure) | as values of | characterizes |.

Template proposed:

| Observable |:
| characterizes | = <433590000 | Administration of substance via specific route (procedure) |
| process output | = <105590001 | Substance (substance) |


Observables and Evaluation procedures

Since Observables were introduced into SNOMED CT the demarcation between Observables and Evaluation procedures has been a potential source of variability of SNOMED CT use. In order to progress this issue the group need to agree on what knowledge is needed to inform any future decision.


<<404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| : 363714003 |Interprets (attribute)| = << 386053000 |Evaluation procedure| ==> 7148 concepts

...but also

1350 hits for <<386053000 | Evaluation procedure (procedure) |: [2..*] { 260686004 |Method (attribute)| = <<129265001 |Evaluation - action (qualifier value)| }

3 hits for <<386053000 | Evaluation procedure (procedure) |: [2..*] { 260686004 |Method (attribute)| = <<129266000 |Measurement - action (qualifier value)| }

611 hits for <<386053000 | Evaluation procedure (procedure) |: [2..*] { 246093002 |Component (attribute)| = * }


Some more exploration of existing Evaluation procedure content:

(<<386053000 |Evaluation procedure (procedure)| : [2..*] { * = * }) MINUS <<363679005 |Imaging (procedure)|

10 000-ish Evaluation procedures have 2 or more role groups...

<<386053000 |Evaluation procedure (procedure)| : [2..*] { 246093002 |Component| = * }

611 have 2 or more Components, indicating that it could be a panel. However, many examples are just strangely modeled and likely not intended to be panels. Thus, it's not straight forward to identify panel-like procedures among the Evaluation procedure. Sometimes, e.g. 442553005 | Measurement of chloride in peritoneal fluid specimen (procedure) |, additional Components are inherited from ancestors.

(<<386053000 |Evaluation procedure (procedure)| : [2..*] { 246093002 |Component| = * }) MINUS <<122869004 |Measurement procedure|

Even non Measurement procedures have multiple Components...

<<386053000 |Evaluation procedure (procedure)| : [3..*] { 246093002 |Component| = * }

A few have 3 or more components, many of which are in fact panels, but again likely not all of them. E.g. see <67899004 | Complement component, classic pathway (substance) |.

Briefing note should include:

  • Current status in regard to overlap
    • Actual concepts
    • Concept models
  • Current status in regard to modeling of Evaluation procedures
  • Orders and results use of SNOMED CT
    • Actual use of Evaluation procedure concepts for reporting results
    • Actual use of Evaluation procedure concepts for ordering
  • Panels vs. single-measurement observables/procedures


The issue of panel concepts (sets of distinct Observable entities) was discussed. The current Observables model, by design, does not allow representation of panels.

Many examples of panels are not well-defined, e.g. a Complete Blood Count may contain different observables in different laboratories. The benefit of adding content on the international level is likely limited. However, SNOMED CT should provide the means to represent such panels when there is agreement on meaning on a national, regional or local level.

Several Evaluation procedure concepts contain multiple groups, but all are not correctly modelled.

Mental Function observables

Piper Allyn Ranallo is  doing a mental health clean up based on Mental & Behavioral CRG work - she has submitted some requests for editing and applying the observable entity model to existing content: 285231000 |Mental function (observable entity)|, 8373002 |Nervous system function (observable entity)|, 4065008 |Affect, function (observable entity)|311465003 |Cognitive functions (observable entity)|. Need advice on applying the model to these function observables.

7Ability observablesDaniel KarlssonEvaluate the need for a hierarchy of processes that could be used to define “ability” observables and would allow for useful taxonomic groupings.

8Next meeting

Next meeting is 2020-02-24 20.00UTC


More Zoom details

Topic: Observables meeting

Time: this is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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