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2018-06-04 20.00 UTC


  1. Discuss Free(Unbound) and Total substances
  2. Resolve Susceptibility issueN
  3. Resolve Likelihood observables

Discussion items

1Welcome & apologies


2Conflicts of interest
  • None stated

3Previous minutes

4Free and Total Substances

4LOINC collaboration
  • Likelihood

    • Two distinct cases were identified:

      1. Specifying certainty (or uncertainty) about the result of an observation. Examples: Fetal sex, Trisomy 21 present by "Dosage of chromosome specific cf DNA" method.
      2. Prediction of a possible future event based on varying amount of information about the patient, from population-only based assessment (i.e. prevalence) to assessment based on several variables. Examples include 1p36 deletion risk based on population risk, Trisomy 21 risk based on maternal age, to the CHADS-VASC instrument.

Example values:

  • Mapping of LOINC component for Susceptibility LOINC terms
    • Two alternatives for representing LOINC component / SNOMED Towards:
      1. Use substances: have to add combined substances for combined antibiotics, e.g. Amoxicillin+Clavulanic acid. Cannot represent strenghts. Cannot represent only vs. contains semantics(?).
      2. Use products: Depending on drug project, may represent only/contains, can represent strength, can represent combinations. This was the alternative proposed by the project group.
    • Strength-specified antibiotics are used in some susceptibility tests, particularly for mycobacteria, and the model would need to represent strengths somehow.

7Next meeting
  • Next meeting is on the face-to-face on 2018-06-18


Meeting Files

  File Modified
File testosterone_owl_el.owl 2018-May-30 by Daniel Karlsson
File testosterone_owl_dl.owl 2018-May-30 by Daniel Karlsson
PNG File image2018-4-24_7-30-17.png 2018-May-30 by Daniel Karlsson
PNG File image2017-12-18_22-22-1.png 2018-May-30 by Daniel Karlsson


More Zoom details

Topic: Observables meeting

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