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Nursing Clinical Reference Group


April 11th, 2023 at 2000 UTC

Zoom Link:

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Christine Spisla Erica Culp Ian Green Cathy Richardson Jerno Thys Fernando Oliveira Camila Takeo Lopes Elisabeth Giesenhagen Famey Lockwood Friso Raemaekers Luann Whittenberg Tess Settergren, Myonghwa Park, Alain Junger, Heather Herdman Susan Matney Stephanie Hartleben


Jane Millar 

Discussion items



Nursing CRG

Erica Culp/ Christine Spisla

10 min



  • Evidence-based Nursing Diagnois Development
  • TBA

Camila Takao Lopes Phd, RN FAI, Brazil

Tess Settergren Phd, RN/Stephanie Hartleben, RN-BC, MSN, MHA, USA

40 min

Director of diagnosis development, NANDI 

Data Modeling and Coding Working group lead, University of Minnesota Nursing Big Data Group


SNOMED International:

News and Updates

Jane Millar/ Ian Greenmin

Terminology Consultation:

Cathy Richardsonmin

Call for future Nursing CRG discussion topics:

  • Next meeting June 13th 2023 at 20:00 UTC. Please note daylight savings timezone changes.
Erica Culp/ Christine Spisla

5 min

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  1. Hi Erica,  

    I have a question which I would like to discuss with the Clinical Reference Group. Just to gather some insights from different nurses on this topic. For developing the nursing reference set in Belgium

    During the practical testing - content review in the 'practical guide to reference sets' -, I stumbled upon a problem. Catheter care is an important daily task for nurses. Now, I listed all the medical devices that nurses can care for: peripherally inserted venous catheter, dialysis catheter in the femoral artery, wound drain, vacuum assisted closure, intracranial catheter, gastric tube,... All the tubes, drains, catheters nurses care for. 

    For each device, I resumed 6 steps (some have a 7th):

    1. Placement/insertion OR assistance with placement/insertion
    2. assessment of tube/catheter/... 
    3. care of tube/catheter/...
    4. management of tube/catheter/...
    5. Removal of tube/catheter/....
    6. Replacement of tube/catheter/....
    7. (Aftercare (further defined depending on which tube is placed))

    Now, in Snomed CT, only a few of these steps have a concept in Snomed CT. I listed about 40 medical devices which require each step. The physical objects (i.e. epidural catheter) are all there, but not the (procedure)'s which would define nursing care. 

    I could find about 60 of the +240 needed concepts to define this part of nursing care. In order to go through with this, about 180 new concepts should be requested

    Now I wonder, is this the way to go? How could or should we describe nursing care for the catheters, tubes, drains etc,... ? I'm not really sure. This is how we document nursing care in the electronic health record at the moment so we know exactly which tube/catheter is put where, since when and which care is executed.

    Thank you in advance,

    Jerno Thys

  2. I must rephrase, I took 7 steps, some have an 8th. 'Education' or 'training' is also one of the steps I'm exploring. So that makes the following steps:

    1. Placement/insertion OR assistance with placement/insertion
    2. assessment of tube/catheter/... 
    3. care of tube/catheter/...
    4. management of tube/catheter/...
    5. education/training of tube/catheter
    6. Removal of tube/catheter/....
    7. Replacement of tube/catheter/....
    8. (Aftercare (further defined depending on which tube is placed))
