
This page documents the use of reporting tools.


  • MySQL database must already exist (e.g. "mappingservicedb") and be loaded with terminologies, map projects, and map records.
  • MySQL database connection parameters must be defined in the properties file specified by "run.config".
  • Report definitions defined for the specified project.


These tools are used to generate and remove reports. The report generator can be wired to an automation (continuous integration server or cron job) to run daily and generate reports.  The remover tool can be used to remove reports.  It is recommended to periodically run this to remove very old reports from the past to prevent the volume of report data from growing out of control.  Typically at the beginning of an editing cycle it would be recommended to remove reports more than two years old


Following are some details about these tools:

Mojo: ReportGenerateDailyMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/mapping/mojo)

Project: admin/loader

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "GenerateDailyReports" must be passed
  • run.config - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • refset.id - the map project refset id to generate reports for, specified as a -D parameter.

  • start.date - the start date range for reporting specified as a -Dparameter in the string format "yyyyMMdd"
  • end.date - the end date range for reporting specified as a -Dparameter in the string format "yyyyMMdd"
    • typically, this is left null and reports are generated from the start date until now.
    • This parameter is supported for the generation of report data in the past (this data will not be 100% accurate, though it is useful for demo and QA).

Mojo: ReportRemoverMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/mapping/mojo)

Project: admin/remove

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "Reports" must be passed
  • run.config - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • refset.id - the map project refset id to remove reports for, specified as a -D parameter.  Leaving it blank will affect all map projects.

  • start.date - the start date for removing reports, specified as YYYYMMDD.  Leaving this null will use January 1, 1970.

  • end.date - the end date for removing reports, specified as YYYYMMDD.  Leaving this null will use the current time.


Sample command line call to generate for refset id 447563008 for a date:

% cd mapping-parent/admin/loader
% set date = `/bin/date +%Y%m%d` 
% mvn install -Drun.config=/home/ihtsdo/config/config.properties -PGenerateDailyReports -Drefset.id=447563008 -Dstart.date=$date


Sample command line call to clear reports for refset id 447563008:


% cd mapping-parent/admin/remover
% mvn install -Drun.config=/home/ihtsdo/config/config.properties -PReports Drefset.id=447563008 


Sample Eclipse run configuration to generate for refset id 447563008 for a date:

Sample Eclipse run configuration to clear reports for refset id 447563008:

  • n/a