
Information on the MedDRA mapping project.

  • MedDRA to Snomed
    • ModuleId: 816211006
    • RefsetId: 816209002
  • Snomed to MedDRA
    • ModuleId: 816211006
    • RefsetId: 816210007

Deployment Server Details

Assigning MedDRA Concepts to Teams

  • In Project Details:
    • Add concepts to MedDRA to Snomed project scope
    • Run Compute Workflow 
      • This creates tracking records for the new scope concepts
  • Assign the new tracking records to their respective Teams.  

    #Become root user
    sudo su
    #Put up the maintenance screen
    /opt/maint/getMaintHtml.sh start
    #Take down the server
    #Log into mysql
    #Assign teams to tracking records
    update tracking_records set assignedTeamName='TEAM1' where mapProjectId=2 and terminologyId in ([Comma separated list of MedDRA concept ids. e.g.: '10054209','10012735','10044684']);
    update tracking_records set assignedTeamName='TEAM2' where mapProjectId=2 and terminologyId in ([Comma separated list of MedDRA concept ids]);
    #Reindex tracking records
    cd /home/ihtsdo/code/admin/lucene/
    rm reindexTrackingRecords.log
    mvn install -PReindex -Drun.config=/opt/mapping-service/conf/config.properties -Dindexed.objects=TrackingRecordJpa > reindexTrackingRecords.log &
    tail -f reindexTrackingRecords.log
    #Update permissions for indexes
    cd /opt/mapping-service/indexes
    chown -R mapping-service:mapping-service *
    chmod -R 777 *
    #Take down the maintenance screen
    /opt/maint/getMaintHtml.sh stop
    #Bring server back up

Setting Snomed to MedDRA Scope

This is performed via calling a script. This script takes down the server, so it should not be done during normal working hours.

#Run as root
sudo su

#On Prod
csh /opt/mapping-service-admin/config/bin/transformTargetsToScopeConcepts.csh > /opt/mapping-service/logs/transformTargetsToScopeConcepts.log &
tail -f /opt/mapping-service/logs/transformTargetsToScopeConcepts.log

csh /home/ihtsdo/config/bin/transformTargetsToScopeConcepts.csh > /home/ihtsdo/logs/transformTargetsToScopeConcepts.log &
tail -f /home/ihtsdo/logs/transformTargetsToScopeConcepts.log