
This page documents the use of various other maintenance tools.


  • MySQL database must already exist (e.g. "mappingservicedb") and be loaded with production data.
  • MySQL database connection parameters must be defined in the properties file specified by "run.config".
  • IMPORTANT: The Tomcat server must not be running while this is run, otherwise indexes can get corrupted.


A review of the "mojo" project reveals a lot of additional tools that can be used alongside the standard lifecycle management tools.  In fact, mojos are often a very convenient way of developing one-time or ad hoc tooling to make batch changes to the underlying data model.  These tools can properly bootstrap the environment allowing direct interaction with the internal service APIs supporting a very wide range of maintenance use cases.

Here are a few examples of tools that have been developed to enable certain maintenance tasks

Mojo: ComputeDefaultPreferredNameMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/mapping/mojo)

Project: admin/loader

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "DefaultPreferredNames" must be used
  • run.config - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • terminology - The terminology to compute preferred names for.

  • terminologyVersion - the terminology version to compute preferred names for.

  • The tool is set up to only work properly for SNOMEDCT and would need to be reconfigured/rewritten to support other terminologies.

MojoCreateMapAdministratorMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/mapping/mojo)

Project: admin/loader

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "CreateMapAdmin" must be used
  • run.config - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • map.user - the new admin user username

    • This mojo creates a new user with the specified username and an ADMINISTRATOR application role
    • It additionally creates an empty map project if there are no map projects yet (because the application requires at least one project to exist)

MojoMapAdviceRemoverMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/mapping/mojo)

Project: admin/remover

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "MapAdvice" must be used
  • run.config - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • map.advice.name - the advice to remove

    • This mojo entirely removes an advice value from a project, from all records, and from the map advices table itself.

Mojo: TreeposComputerMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/mapping/mojo)

Project: admin/loader

Configuration Parameters

  • run.config - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • terminology - the terminology to compute tree positions for specified as a -D parameter

    • Any existing tree positions should be removed before running this.


Mojo: TreeposRemoverMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/mapping/mojo)

Project: admin/remover

Configuration Parameters

  • run.config - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • terminology -  the terminology to remove tree positions for specified as a -D parameter


  • n/a