
Resources for training.

Topics Covered

  • QA Checks widget
  • Generating QA reports
  • Putting QA reports into the workflow
  • Removing "available" QA work that is not yet assigned



Following is a script for the attached video.

Preamble: Welcome to the IHTSDO map tool video tutorials. This lead training video covers the QA Check widget.

  • Open a browser and direct it to the landing page for the application
  • Log in as a lead user (dmo)
    • RESULT: the glass pane comes up for a bit and takes the user to the main dashboard for dmo
  • Select the focus project SNOMED to ICD10
  • Scroll down to the QA Checks widget
  • Show the qa check definition choices in the pick-list
  • Select 'Context Dependent for Gender' from the pick-list
  • Click the 'Generate' button to create a new qa check report
    • RESULTS: new qa check report is displayed on the right side panel of the widget
  • Demonstrate the paging on the results.
  • Click on a concept id link to open the Mapped Concept View.  Click the browser's back button to return to QA Check widget.
  • Click on the 'Export' button to export the results to a spreadsheet.
  • Open the spreadsheet that is downloaded to the local machine.
  • Click on the 'Add to QA Workflow' button.
    • RESULTS: glasspane will activate and deactivate (this may take a few minutes, so pause the video), result will be removed from the QA Checks widget, concepts requiring QA will be added to the QA tab of the Available work widget.
  • Remove a concept from the QA workflow.
  • n/a