
Resources for training.

Topics Covered

  • Map project details widget
  • Reviewing map project metadata
  • Editing map project metadata
    • an example of each type
  • Saving edits



Following is a script for the attached video.


Preamble: Welcome to the IHTSDO map tool video tutorials. This lead training video covers map project metadata.

  • Open a browser and direct it to the landing page for the application
  • Log in as a lead user (dmo)
    • RESULT: the glass pane comes up for a bit and takes the user to the main dashboard for dmo
  • Select the focus project SNOMED to ICD10
  • Click on the 'Project Details' button on the Map Project widget.
  • Show accordion headers, show tool tips on map project details. Explain the types of metadata associated with the project.
  • Demonstrate paging and filtering.
  • Click on the icon that enables edit mode.
  • Add a map lead.
    • RESULT: note how map leadis moved to table of map leads.
  • Remove a different map lead.
    • RESULT: note how map lead is removed from table of map leads and appears under the 'Add Map Lead' heading.
  • Add a map specialist.
    • RESULT: note how map specialist is moved to table of map specialists.
  • Remove a different map specialist.
    • RESULT: note how map specialist is removed from table of map specialists and appears under the 'Add Map Specialist' heading.
  • Attempt to add a map specialist who is already a map lead.
    • RESULT: dialog will show indicating specialist is already a lead.  Specialist will not be added.
  • Add a map advice.
    • RESULT: note how the map advice is moved to table of map advices
  • Remove a different map advice
    • RESULT: note how map advice is removed from table of map advices and appears under the 'Add Map Advice' heading.
  • Point out that map relations works just like map advices.
  • Point out the 'Revert changes' icon to restore settings to the values prior to making changes.
  • Click on the icon to disable edit mode in order to Save changes.
  • Click on the icon to enable edit mode.
  • Add and remove a report definition.
  • Point out that QA Check Definitions work just like report definitions.
  • Open Map Principle accordion and demonstrate info icon to show map principle details
  • Add a map principle
    • RESULT: note how the map principle is moved to table of map principles
  • Create a new map principle.  Click the Submit button.
    • RESULT: note how new map principle is added to list of available map principles.
  • Add created map principle to the project by clicking its '+' icon.
    • RESULT: note how the map principle is moved to the table of map principles
  • Click on the Map Principles Document link to download the latest map principles document for this project
  • Add a new map principle document to the project. Click on the 'Choose File' button.
  • Point to the local location of the new map principle document.  Click 'Open'.
    • New map principle document is uploaded to the server.
  • Click on the icon to disable edit mode in order to Save changes.
  • Click on the icon to enable edit mode.
  • Create a preset age range and add it to the project.
  • Create a new error message and add it to the project.
  • Explain scope included/excluded concepts and the scope descendant flags.

  • n/a