
Resources for training.

Topics Covered

  • Logging in
  • Header features
  • Footer features
  • Logging out



Following is a script for the attached video.

  • Preamble
    • Welcome to the IHTSDO map tool video tutorials. This general training video covers logging in, header features, footer features, and logging out.
  • Open a browser and direct it to the landing page for the application
  • Log in as a valid user (e.g. "demo_lead")
    • RESULT: the glass pane comes up for a bit and takes the user to the main dashboard for their role.
  • Note the header features:
    • Icon in the upper left corner
    • Application title to the right of the icon
    • Username with logout icon (mouse-over to show "logout" alt text)
    • Current focus project setting (e.g. "SNOMEDCT to ICD10")
    • Change focus project icon (mouse-over to show "Change Focus Project" alt text)
    • Return to dashboard icon (mouse-over to show "Dashboard" alt text)
    • Help icon (mouse-over to show "Help" alt text)
  • Click the logout icon
    • RESULT: the user is directed back to the login page
    • Log in again (e.g. as "demo_lead")
  • Change the focus project (e.g. "SNOMEDCT to ICD9CM")
    • RESULT: dashboard page reloads and widgets update
    • Change back to "SNOMED to ICD10"
  • Click the dashboard return icon
    • RESULT: the dashboard page is reloaded, no other changes as we are already on the dashboard
  • Click the help icon
    • RESULT: the help page for the dashboard opens
    • Click browser "back" to return to the dashboard
  • Note the footer features
    • Copyright and link in lower left corner
    • Application version to the right of that
    • Name of page to the lower right (e.g. "Dashboard")
  • Mouse-over the copyright and link to show that it links to www.ihtsdo.org
  • Click the "logout" icon
    • RESULT: the footer now says "Login page".
  • n/a


  • No labels