
Details features of this mapping tool.


This software is offered with a standard Apache 2 licence.  Like other free software licenses, the license allows the user of the software the freedom to use the software for any purpose, to distribute it, to modify it, and to distribute modified versions of the software, under the terms of the license, without concern for royalties.[1]


  • Data model built around RF2. Thus, it natively handles SNOMED CT® and other terminologies that can be transformed to a ClaML or RF2 representation. 
  • Supports multiple terminologies and versions. This means the server is capable of handling non- SNOMED CT® based terminologies, such as ICD10, ICD10CM, ICD9CM, and ICPC. It also means the server is capable of handling and supporting SNOMED CT® extension use cases (such as the US Edition)
    • Includes support for delta, full and snapshot RF2 data
    • Includes support for ClaML data
  • Supports transitive closure (and in fact full tree position) computation and maintenance. 
    • Ancestor and descendant computations are simple lookups and do not require computationally expensive graph walking.
  • Supports a customizable authentication/authorization mechanism, including default implementations for native SNOMED CT® security architecture, and guest-only security.
  • Supports a customizable validation framework that allows testing of data states prior to persistence. 
  • Supports paging, filtering, and sorting at the API level.
  • Supports REST API for batch changes.
  • Includes a default release process for performing identifier assignment and delta RF2 generation.
  • Includes complete administrative, technical, and user documentation, and a swagger API for REST service documentation..
  • Flexible back-end data store. Default support for MySQL and uses Hibernate to facilitate connections to a variety of other database environments, including document-based and graph databases.
  • Supports IHTSDO Mapping Service Team workflows
    • Dual independent review workflow (e.g. "non legacy worfklow")
    • Review, QA, and "Fix Error" worfklow pats.
    • Provides opportunity to save work for later and decide when to "finish" or "promote" work to the next worfklow
  • Supports dual independent review by specialist with conflict review and management by leads.
  • Supports dynamic reporting and QA validation based around HQL, SQL, or Lucene-based queries.
  • Supports full audit trail so entire history of map records is present.
  • Supports a feedback mechanism for error tracking, communication, and management reporting.
  • Supports a "drip feed"-based mechanism for updating content terminologies in near real time.