
Documents the general approach to using a terminology outside of the RF2 or ClaML formats.


The various map projects maintained with this tool so far have involved four different terminologies.  

  • ICD10
  • ICD9CM
  • ICPC

The admin tools support loaders based on RF2 or ClaML data.  This works well for terminologies natively represented in one of these formats, such as SNOMED CT in RF2 or ICD10 in ClaML.  For other terminologies, a converter must be used to get the native formats into one of the loader supported formats.  Conversion algorithms like these here have been used in the past for this:

Note: for ICD10CM the xml2claml.pl file requires the icd10cm_tabular_201*.xml file as the input and that file is distributed together with the index files.

Config File

When dealing with a new terminology, make sure to put the appropriate metadata handler for the new terminology.  The correct choice will be based on whether you're using a stock loader or writing your own (in which case you may want to write a metdata helper as well).  For example,

  • ...
  • metadata.service.handler.NEW_TERMINOLOGY.class=org.ihtsdo.otf.mapping.jpa.services.ClamlMetadataServiceJpaHelper


  • n/a