- Created by Monica Harry, last modified on 2016-Oct-24
October 24th, 2016
GoToMeeting Details
All meetings held at: The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa 55 Cable St Wellington 6011 New Zealand
- Planning for clinical engagement and collaborative efforts of this group to advise re. content development and improvement.
Discussion items
Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action |
1 | Welcome and Apologies | KFA | Apologies Andrew Norton; Patrick McCormick; Zac Whitewood-Moores. | |
2 | Conflicts of interest | KFA | None declared | |
3 | Approval of minutes of last meeting | KFA | Approved with no amendments. | |
4 | IHTSDO updates: Content Collaboration | MHA/JMI | Updates provided and discussion ensued. Of note: new agreement with HL7 about to be signed; New SNOMED CT concept request tool in place; Outsourcing of CMT, ICD-11 and some LOINC work. Moving toward template authoring once content models in place. | |
5 | Clinical engagement strategy | MBA | Update on progress and strategy for future outreach to healthcare professionals. | |
6 | IHTSDO proposed approach to genomics | MBA | Main challenge is how rapidly the clinical field is changing and knowledge expanding as a result of the new discoveries. | |
7 | Future of SIGs – current thinking
| JMI | Outline of risk and benefits of not having SIGs. Challenge is finding volunteers to run the groups and potential for many more groups in the future. Need clear coordination of clinical input. Proposal is to create virtual domain groups using Confluence. Work will be done on a task and finish basis. Lengthy discussion and request for comments from the group. We have 4 SIGs which meet regularly. | |
8 | Report from the Professional SIGs
| SIG chairs | SIG chairs provided an update on recent activities. | |
9 | Any other business | KFA | None | |
10 | Date of next meeting | KFA | First Monday Dec. 5th 2016 | Meeting closed 19:30 NZ time. |
Copy of HPCG agenda 20161024 F2F Final.docx.gdoc Files
File | Modified | |
Microsoft Word Document HPCG agenda 20161024 F2F Final.docx | 2016-Oct-14 by Monica Harry | |
File Copy of HPCG agenda 20161024 F2F Final.docx.gdoc | 2016-Oct-14 by Monica Harry | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SNOMED CT and Genomics.pptx | 2016-Oct-22 by Jane Millar | |
Previous Meetings
Title | Creator | Modified |
No content found. |