1 | Outreach New Zealand | Kathy Farndon | - General enquiry of all present as to actions taken to reach out to clinical practitioners ahead of the October meeting.
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2 | Conflicts of interest | All | None declared | |
3 | Content and Collaboration updates | JMI/MHA | Brief update on authoring activities and collaboration agreements. | |
4 | Clinical engagement and Education business teams' update | IGR | - IGR provided a slide presentation on the topic of Challenges in dealing with clinical content specifically where there is conflict across clinical specialties and governance. The HPCG may be called upon in future to help to resolve such issues.
- Changes to subsets in particular are a problem as very often these are not visible to all clinical implementers and are not visible till after a release has been published.

- Team activities to date: Currently, finalising strategy for the organization. Clinical leaders are working with Customer relations leads in corresponding regions in an effort to reach out to new customers and build connections within member countries to drive the SNOMED agenda across the spectrum.
- To be discussed in Wellington.
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5 | SIG updates | All | See posted slides: - Anesthesia - not meeting F2F in NZ in October.
- New Vice-chair nominated
- Working on perioperative concepts
- Subset business case has been submitted for approval
- Nursing
- Meeting participation down at the moment
- ICNP review
- Care plan work continues
- Dentistry
- Meeting attendance is up and will be meeting in NZ.
- IPaLM are meeting in NZ and are expecting a good international attendance.
- IFP/GP: Request to be permitted to submit requests directly via rather than via National Release Centers.
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6 | SNOMED Governance | KFA | Review taking place; the whole organization has matured to the point where it is time to review the governance structure. Results expected at the October meeting. | |
7 | AOB | | none | |
8 | | | Next meeting Monday 24th Oct. F2F Wellington. | |