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Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow HPCG Anesthesia SIG update v3.ppt Created by anorton on Tue Oct 28 10:28:10 Z 2014 last modified on Wed Oct 29 14:46:35 Z 2014 v3 id: doc11321 updated version following Anesthesia SIG for HPCG meeting agenda item 8 | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Agenda item 7.5 IHTSDO Dentistry SIG TOR v0.01.docx Created by jmillar on Fri Oct 24 13:58:38 Z 2014 last modified on Fri Oct 24 13:59:18 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11293 Here are the IHTSDO International Dentistry SIG draft ToR for review at HPCG meeting as part of ensuring consistency across the professional SIG | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Agenda item 7.3 IHTSDO Nursing SIG TOR v0.02.docx Created by jmillar on Fri Oct 24 13:56:22 Z 2014 last modified on Fri Oct 24 13:56:22 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11291 Here are the IHTSDO Nursing SIG draft ToR for review at HPCG meeting as part of ensuring consistency across the professional SIGs and alignment | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
PDF File Agenda item 6 IHTSDO_ Role and Functions of SIGs_20141024 v2 0.pdf Created by jmillar on Fri Oct 24 13:48:45 Z 2014 last modified on Fri Oct 24 13:48:45 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11288 This is the revised version of the Role and Functions of IHTSDO SIGs which I think will help the discussions on Terms of Reference Regards Jane | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Agenda item 7.4 IHTSDO Pharmacy SIG TOR v0.02.docx Created by jmillar on Fri Oct 24 13:57:25 Z 2014 last modified on Fri Oct 24 13:57:25 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11292 Here are the IHTSDO Pharmacy SIG draft ToR for review at HPCG meeting as part of ensuring consistency across the professional SIGs and alignment | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Agenda item 7.2 IHTSDO IPaLM SIG TOR v0 01.docx Created by jmillar on Fri Oct 24 13:55:25 Z 2014 last modified on Fri Oct 24 13:55:25 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11290 Here are the IHTSDO IPaLM SIG draft ToR for review at HPCG meeting as part of ensuring consistency across the professional SIGs and alignment wi | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Pharmacy SIG update.ppt Created by emelhuish on Tue Oct 28 10:35:08 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Oct 28 10:35:08 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11322 6 monthly update presentation to HPCG | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow NursingSIGActivityUpdate.ppt Created by smatney on Wed Oct 29 09:25:53 Z 2014 last modified on Wed Oct 29 09:25:53 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11337 Attached is the Nursing SIG activity update. | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document HPCG meeting agenda 20141029 v0.02.docx Created by jmillar on Thu Oct 23 18:34:24 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 23 18:34:24 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11279 Here is the draft agenda of the face to face meeting of Healthcare Professional Coordination Group in Amsterdam on 29 October 2014. Note there i | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Agenda item 7.1 IHTSDO Anesthesia SIG TOR 20140913 0 02.docx Created by jmillar on Fri Oct 24 13:54:32 Z 2014 last modified on Fri Oct 24 13:54:32 Z 2014 v1 id: doc11289 Here are the Anesthesia SIG draft ToR for review at HPCG meeting as part of ensuring consistency across the professional SIGs and alignment with | 2015-Dec-10 by Collabnet Migration | |
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