The Management Board (or "MB") reports directly to the Nominated Representatives. It has two roles. First, it provides the strategic leadership necessary to establish and review the strategic plan of the organization. Second, it recruits, oversees, and evaluates the performance of the CEO and may participate in these activities for other senior executives of the organization.
The MB Governance Manual describes roles and responsibilities of the Management Board.
A chart reflecting the division of duties between the Nominated Representatives and the Management Board is in the Appendix.

MB Nominating Committee

The Management Board Nominating Committee is a group made up of Nominated Representatives and Management Board members. It is responsible for recruiting potential MB members and supplying a full list and recommended short list of candidates to all Nominated Representatives for election. Once the Nominated Representatives elect the MB members, the Board Nominating Committee provides orientation for the new members as well as continuing education for the rest of the Board.
The Nominating Committee is composed three Nominated Representatives (the GA Chair, the GA Vice Chair and one other), two Management Board members (the MB Chair and Vice Chair), plus the CEO (ex officio). It is chaired by a Nominated Representative selected by the three Nominated Representatives on the Board.
Roles and Responsibilities

  • Identify and recommend prospective candidates for appointment to the Management Board;
  • Review and update of skills matrix for Board members;
  • Maintain and update the Board Profile Matrix and Evergreen List;
  • Work with the IHTSDO Office to advertise the positions and collect applications;
  • Interview selected candidates;
  • Develop and implement orientation and continuing education programs for Board Directors.
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