Member Forum

The Member Forum is an advisory body to the organization whose role is to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between the organization's Members, provide Member priorities for all new and proposed IHTSDO projects and products, and promote learning from shared experiences. The Member Forum supports the objectives of the organization by promoting consultation and communication at an operational level between the organization and Members. Member Forum representatives will ideally be knowledgeable about all operational and business aspects of their respective Member's national release center and have open communications channels with their GA member. It is co-chaired by a member of the MB and a Member Forum representative elected by the Member Forum members.

Vendor Liaison Forum

The Vendor Liaison Forum is comprised of diverse and appropriate representatives of the vendor community. It acts as an advisory body to the organization and the MB and can serve as a means for the sharing of views and information between the vendors and the organization. It is chaired by one or more MB members.

Healthcare Professionals Coordination Group and Professional Special Interest Groups

The Healthcare Professionals Coordination Group (HPCG) coordinates amongst the professional Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which are: Nursing, International Family Practice/General Practice, Dental, Anesthesia, International Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Pharmacy.
The SIGs are open, transparent, and ongoing bodies that advise the MB and Management Team on specific topics that are relevant to IHTSDO and its Members.

Functional Special Interest Groups

The Functional SIGs provide expertise and feedback to the MB and Management Team on core functional areas and are not specific to any particular clinical specialties. Like the Professional SIGs, they are also open, transparent and ongoing bodies. The Functional SIGs consist of: Implementation and Mapping.

Project Groups

Project Groups are composed of members of the Community of Practice, supported by IHTSDO staff. They are focused on completing a specific task within a particular period of time and typically have fixed membership.

Advisory Groups

Advisory Groups are established to conduct specific activities that contribute to the fulfillment of the Management Team's responsibilities or the organization's mandate. They are agile in nature, given the changing needs and direction of the organization, and therefore each group operates under a sunset clause that facilitates a review of the applicable Advisory Group on an annual basis to determine if the group is still required or if changes in the Terms of Reference are required. Generally the Advisory Groups will have specific skills and abilities related to that particular group.

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