One of the less interesting but quite important tasks for the group is to define Terms of Reference. This page has been created to start a discussion and get the group's views on what the Terms of Reference should be.
This should cover
- Purpose/role of the group
- Membership
- Specific roles in the group (i.e. co-chairs etc)
- Responsibilities/accountability of the group
- Ways of working
Please add comments/suggestions to this page to contribute to creating an initial Terms of Reference.
Dion McMurtrie
From my comment on 2017-11-07 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting here are my thoughts.
I think a wiki page under the group's page tree is a good place to have the Terms of Reference. We can create a page there and draft it marked as draft status until the group can complete and agree it.
I think key elements are
Those are my thoughts, I'd be interested to hear other's opinions...and see if we can get a volunteer to write the first draft!
Jane Millar
Please find attached a draft Terms of Reference for the group for discussion. The MF will be sent a copy ahead of their next meeting.Please either post comments, or send me them directly using track changes on the document. Note I have tried to incorporate the points raised by Dion