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Blog from April, 2018

Dear ELAG members,

As discussed at the recent ELAG meeting in London, we would appreciate your feedback on the practical exercise we have created for data analysts.

To access the exercise, please go to the SNOMED for Data Analysts learning pathway (under the 'Open Courses' menu) and select 'Practical Exercise', or alternatively go straight to the exercise via this link.

Please send all feedback to

Thank you!

Kind regards,


Note - This data analytics exercise is currently available only to ELAG members. If you have any difficulties in accessing it, please let us know.

Thank you very much to all members of the E-Learning Advisory Group who were able to attend the April ELAG meeting - either in person or by phone.

As agreed, I have attached the presentation to the bottom of the meeting agenda - see 2018-04-10 ELAG Face to Face Meeting (London).

In the next few weeks, I will be distributing a link to the practical analytics exercise on which we would appreciate your feedback.

I hope you all have a safe trip home! 

Kind regards,