SNOMED Documentation Search
The URI formats, defined in the previous sections of this document, can be used to identify SNOMED CT content that has been officially published, and may therefore be stored in an Electronic Health Record and exchanged between clinical systems. However, during the process of creating a SNOMED CT release, concepts may exist in a pre-published state. These concepts are considered to be "work in progress" and subject to change or removal, prior to their official publication. For a variety of reasons (including testing, early adoption etc), users may require a way to identify this unpublished content.1 Note that the terminology or code system for SNOMED CT will always be specified as, even when the version of this terminology is an unpublished version, e.g.
SNOMED International already uses the X (eXperimental) indicator for alpha & beta releases of International and national editions of SNOMED CT, eg xSnomedCT_BelgiumExtensionRF2_PREPRODUCTION_20210315T120000Z/Snapshot/Terminology/xsct2_Concept_Snapshot_BE1000172_20210315.txt. This additional 'x' is added to make it clear that the contents have not been "officially" published.
The URIs that identify unpublished editions (i.e. the current build) and unpublished versioned editions (i.e. versions) take the following respective forms:{moduleId}{moduleId}/version/{timestamp}
The URIs that identify components relative to an unpublished edition or version take the following respective forms:{moduleId}/id/{sctId}{moduleId}/version/{timestamp}/id/{sctId}
The following table shows some examples of URIs for unpublished artifacts.
Table 2.8-1: Examples
Resource | URI |
SNOMED CT International Edition, current build | |
SNOMED CT International Edition, 20220131 beta release | |
The concept 1163215007 | Pressure injury| in the current build of the SNOMED CT International Edition | |
The concept 1163215007 | Pressure injury| in the 20220131 beta release of the SNOMED CT International Edition | |
For a more extensive list of SNOMED CT edition URI examples, please refer to 4.4.2 Edition URI Examples
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Notes |
1 | This topic was first raised in the context using SNOMED with the HL7 FHIR specifications, and further detail on the use case is given here URI Proposal: Addition of xsct. This use case only requires the 'version' format of an unpublished substrate to specify the 'version' of the code system - e.g. |